
          	penned by charlotte.
          	revived cir. 2025
          	tied to and for tatum


i've  been  working  with  her  for  forty-five  years.   that's  the  end  of  it.


ROOTING  FOR  THE  ANTI-HERO,  @eyeseens :
            {  well.   five  lets  the  expression  he  dons  speak  for  itself  as  he  looks  to  his  sibling,   blinking  once  before  going  back  to  the  equation  at  hand.  }    i'm  telling  you  that  she  and  i  have  worked  closely  through  our  developmental  years.   if  there's  a  level  of  attachment  there,   it's  perfectly  normal  given  our  circumstances.


@untilends-   |  if  you’re  coworkers,  then  i’m  afraid  to  see  what  you’d  be  like  in  an  actual  relationship.  you’re  telling  me  you  two  never  even  kissed  before?


if  you're  here  to  try  scolding  me,   i  recommend  you  stop  while  you're  ahead.


ROOTING  FOR  THE  ANTI-HERO,  @eyeseens :
            hardly  twenty.    {  closer  to  ten.    with  another  toss  back  of  whiskey  five  doesn't  bother  looking  to  his  brother,   eyes  zeroed  in  on  the  table  as  he  waves  his  free  hand  absently.  }    fine.   go  on.   be  the..  ninth ?   tenth ?   one.   


@untilends-   |  awh.  how’d  you  know?  was  it the  twenty  other  scolding  you’ve  received  from  the  people  around  you  within  the  last  few  hours?


again,   i'm  not  actually  thirteen.    i  am  your  (elder).


ROOTING  FOR  THE  ANTI-HERO,  @eyeseens :
            and  if  you'll  notice,   everyone  else  is  (wrong).   all  the  time.    {  with  an  annoyed  snarl  five  pushes  the  younger's  hand  away,   glare  heavy  and  strong  as  he  meets  klaus'  eyes.  }   i  have  the  mind  and  maturity  of  a  sixty  year  old  man.    you  can  afford  to  treat  me  seriously.


@untilends-   |  as  long  as  you’re  in  the  body  of  a  minor,  ‘m  treating  you  like  one;  just  like  everyone  else. 


i'd  ask  you  the  same,   but  i  don't  want  to  know.


ROOTING  FOR  THE  ANTI-HERO,  @eyeseens :
            klaus,  i  can  assure  you  i  absolutely  do  not  want  to  do  that.    {  folding  his  arms  over  his  chest  five  settles  back  into  the  chair,   lips  pulled  in  a  tight  smile.  }    i've  made  the  mistake  of  asking  you  questions  before.   if  you  make  me  learn  anything  related  to  your  hobbies —  or,  god  forbid,   inflation —  again,   i'm  filing  a  restraining  order.
            *    the  furry  tweet  is  the  shadow  looming  over  every  interaction ,, 


@untilends-   |  awh.  you  never  wanna  hear  your  fun  stories.  go  ahead,  ask  me!
            /  sorry,,  immediately thought of that furry tweet,,  completely unrelated to my reply i swear,,


you  want  me  to  take  you  today ?
          *   AA ,,  they're  everything  to  me


I  TRIED  TO  BE  GOOD,   @eyeseens :
            you  could  never  burden  me.    {  this  assertion  comes  with  a  confidence  mara  possesses  solely  for  klaus,   spoken  with  an  ease  that  underlies  the  truth  of  it  all.  }    you  never  gotta  worry  about  that ,,   'specially  since  i'm  not  even  the  prettiest  girl  in  the  (room).    that  title's  yours,  draga.


@agoniesfor-   |  only  if  you’d  like.  i  don’t  wanna  burden  the  prettiest  girl  in  the  entire  universe,  y’know?


what  would  happen  if  we  got  another  bunny ?  


I  TRIED  TO  BE  GOOD,   @eyeseens :
            bunnytopia,   nice.    {  her  hum  is  nothing  but  soft  as  she  continues  to  rake  her  fingers  through  her  husband's  hair,   pausing  only  to  giggle  at  their  shock.  }    he  (is),   but  i  don't  like  the  idea  of  him  gettin'  lonely  when  we're  not  here.    bunnies  are  social  creatures.


@agoniesfor-   |  they’d  probably  mate  and  have  a  bunch  of  other  bunnies.  why?  [  he  mumbles  absentmindedly,  staring  at  the  tv  in  front  of  them.  ]  you  want  another  one?  i  thought  gerbie  was  our  favorite.  D:


i've  never  loved  anyone  like  i  love  you.   not  even  myself.
          *   sorry ,,  yk  im  obsessed  with  this  song ,,


I  TRIED  TO  BE  GOOD,   @eyeseens :
            take  the  flattery.    never  been  too  keen  on  confidence  exercises,   anyhow ,,  don't  think  i'll  start  'em  now.    {  though  her  tone  is  light  mara's  expression  remains  sincere,   giving  their  interlocked  fingers  a  gentle  squeeze.  }    i  mean  it.   seriously.   i've  met..  (far)  too  many  people,   and  you're  my  favorite.   ( .. )   there's  nowhere  else  i'd  rather  be  than  with  you.


@agoniesfor-   |  i  don’t  know  if  i  should  be  flattered,  or  concerned.  [  they  whistle  lowly,  furrowing  their  eyebrows.  ]  but  i  love  you  too.  more  than  i  love  myself.  (  …  )  guess  we  both  gotta  work  on  self  confidence. 


hold  it,   draga.    you  gotta  close  your  eyes !


I  TRIED  TO  BE  GOOD,   @eyeseens :
            don't  be  silly.   would  i  have  worn  my  favorite  outfit  if  we  had  a  mess  t'  clean  up?     {  despite  how  she  knows  klaus  can't  see  it,   their  smile  prompts  an  even  wider  one  to  bloom  across  mara's  lips,   pausing  briefly  just  to  take  mental  note  of  how  (excited)  her  partner  is.    she  may  need  to  start  surprising  them  every  month.   }   i (did)  hunt  down  a  few  things  i  know  you'll  like.   'member  that  restaurant  back  in  the  dominican ?   
            *    sorry ,,   her  learning  how  to  make  his  favorite  meals  from  around  the  world ,,  starting  with  their  favorite  foods  from  their  honeymoon !!  


@agoniesfor-   |  what  are  you  gonna  do?  show  me  a  dead  body?  [  he  jokes,  although  it’s  not  *entirely*  out  of  the  realm  of  possibilities  with  mara,  even  in  their  more  peaceful  life.  she  shuts  her  eyes  tight,  a  widespread  beam  on  their  face.  ]  oh  boy,  i  hope  you  don’t  get  blood  on  my  shirt!


this message may be offensive
it's  black  coffee,   numbnuts.   if  you're  looking  for  a  full  flavor  profile,   you're  shit  out  of  luck.


ROOTING  FOR  THE  ANTI-HERO,  @eyeseens :
            says  the  amish  one.    {  with  a  disgruntled  side  eye  five  pulls  out  the  milk,   setting  it  on  the  counter  with  an  astounding  air  of  exasperation.  }   you  know  where  the  sugar  is.   knock  yourself  out,   or  just  down  straight  sweetener.


@untilends-   |
            i  like  my  coffee  as  white  as  your  skin.  siblings!  isn’t  it  crazy?  different  tastes,  and  all  that!


what  happened  out  there.


this message may be offensive
ROOTING  FOR  THE  ANTI-HERO,  @eyeseens :
            i  know.    {  there  are  times  not  even  five  can  deny  the  similarities  to  maeve  that  embed  themselves  in  his  voice  now,   clicking  the  door  shut  behind  him  as  he  steps  further  inside.   }    the  briefcases  are  powerful.    if  i'd  known  where  they'd  stashed  them,   i'd  have  this  shit  fixed  already.    {  now  the  discomfort  settles  in.   the  feeling  of  failure  has  become  commonplace  in  regards  to  his  siblings,   but  somehow  it's  still  unexpectedly  painful  now.   with  an  awkward  clearing  of  his  throat  five  pointedly  looks  at  the  space  over  klaus'  shoulder,   choosing  to  not  match  her  kicked puppy  stare.  }   speaking  of  the  briefcases,   i  owe  you  an  apology.   i  didn't  realize  how  far  they'd  be  willing  to  go,   otherwise  i  would  have  made  the  logical  decision  of  telling  you  what  they  could  do.    ( .. )    how  did  you  wind  up  in  vietnam,  anyway? 


@untilends-   |
            the  vietnam  war,  obviously.  (  klaus  tries  to  be  funny,  although  she  struggles  to  find  any  humor  in  the  situation.  )  a  bunch  of  people  died.  uhm,  some  in  my  arms.  i  was  there  for  a  year…  that’s  a  long  time,  y’know?  