
* is this fandom still alive ?? 


*      yeah   !!   <3 


*.    yup !!


dah —     !     i  do   not   need  another   lecture ..


@eywablossom  ‎       ῾  ⟢ ᵎ  ˖ ‎       [I⃨.⃨ HE TURNS FROM HER     WITH A ROLE           of his eyes. grumbling   . first it was the olo’eyktan, then neytiri, then         neteyam      and now her . he sighed, lowering his           ears against his head ]     i did not disobey!     i protected my family, that is my job. 


“ i will decide . why do you disobey the rules ? ”


is  —  everything  alright  ?


standing up straight , anaylii nods her head at his question . she hated to worry people , especially if she could handle the injury herself . she had been messing around too much during her adventures , though that was nothing new . just a little ( huge ) scratch . 
            “ yes . ”


..        ___     how    are     you     feeling      ??


she nods , tilting her head as she watches him . anaylii had known his father , as he was promised to both of her sisters — sylwanin , and then after her passing , neytiri . 
            “ what do you think of him ? ”


   ‎        ‎       ❛     ῾        [      he sits there in   his silence, a hand reaching to       squeeze      his forearm  .  he didn’t know     how exactly            to word his feelings  .     not when they could     hardly make sense in            his head      ] @eywablossom it is ..  hard         ___ i find myself      thinking of my father often


“ ah . ”
            she brushes her braids behind her shoulders , shaking them out of her face . she had not intended to have a heartfelt discussion tonight , but anaylii did not mind . 
            “ tell me why . ”


anaylii did not know how to process this grief , this hole in her heart from the loss of her eldest sister . she had hardly moved in the month since her passing , hardly eating or sleeping . anaylii just rested against the trunk of a tree , staring at the sky . 
          memories of her sister playing together , studying and learning new things flooded her mind . she could not believe that sylwanin was actually gone . maybe it was a trick , an elaborate prank . she would come back and they would all giggle together . but , the days passed and her sister did not return . 
          not looking up at neytiri , she does not respond verbally or physically to her question . she didnt feel like discussing her feelings or trying to talk to anyone about what she had witnessed just a month ago . she wanted to be left alone . 


maybe it was because she was not the one going through this pain , but anaylii could not stop smiling . they were so blessed to have this child come into their lives . she was so happy that her older sister was welcoming a new life , and that she was going to be by her side for it . waving away jake and his frustrating presence , she sits down beside neytiri and pushes her hair out of her face . anaylii presses a soft kiss to her forehead before holding her hand tightly . 
          “ i am by your side . ”


"could you explain this......eywa to me......where I come from my people do not have gods."


            "Members of the clan humans ambushed and in I had attacked the humans."


she rolls her eyes at his sudden change of personality . he was just asking for her to explain eywa , how did he think he could help them ? he needed to go home , get away from pandora . 
            “ who did you speak to ? from my clan ? ”


            He crosses his arms "I do not seek approval from you." He says 


⠀⠀⠀silence was overpowering, at times. capable of muffling every sound in the world — as it did in this very moment. the quiet enveloped natures noises as kame thought.   “have you come here,”   blank eyes stare at his hit target, which he could have missed due to the other na'vi.   “just to interrupt me.”


she walks closer to him , narrowing her eyes as she identifies the animal that he had shot . tilting her head , anaylii closes her eyes . 
            “ why did you kill ? ”
            she asks , hopeful for an answer that was honest , though he owed her no honesty at all . though she had grown up with warriors of all kinds , anaylii wanted to know these animals were not dying in vain . 


⠀⠀⠀“then leave.”   short and simple, how kame preferred it to be. eventually, he moves, crouching down beside his target and mumbling prayers, forcing the arrow out of its skin.


she shakes her head in response to his question , and her answer was truthful . anaylii was always wandering about . if she were allowed to , she would be gone for days and days just exploring the world that eywa blessed them with . today , she just so happened to stumble upon kame at the wrong time . 
            “ no . simply .. on a sälang ( exploration ) . i did not mean to interrupt you . ”