
this message may be offensive
if i hear one more cmt abt my user istg- fuvk off cant u view my acc before judging? I WONT USE A USER ESPECIALLY IF ITS A SLUR!!’ OF COURSE I CAN RECLAIM IY YA TWAT. FUCK YU!!!!!


this message may be offensive
if i hear one more cmt abt my user istg- fuvk off cant u view my acc before judging? I WONT USE A USER ESPECIALLY IF ITS A SLUR!!’ OF COURSE I CAN RECLAIM IY YA TWAT. FUCK YU!!!!!


— jay’s carrd
          JAY !
          they / it 16+ homosexual 
                                                                                                     INFO ! 
                                                         i make sexual , nd kys jokes. 
          LIKES !
          music , reading . 
                                                                                              DISLIKES !             
                                                                 mcyttiktok , sub wars ,               
                                                               fluff , clingy/touchy-feely 
                                           [ short carrd ‘cause ]


this message may be offensive
please , for gods sake look at my profile before commenting about my user. i know well that if a cis person would claim *this* user would be weird , nd fucking disgusting also i am in no way claiming a slur i can’t use.