someone help?? how do I make a cover I'm so stuck!!?

@f1forell I've had the biggest writers block I've ever seen and haven't opened wattpad so I'm sorry I'm seeing this so late but thankyou so much I'll try this!! you have literally been the biggest help thankyou <33

@f1forell So, I am going to tell you what I do for my covers. First of all, I search for a backround photo on pinterest (let's say we're writing a leclerc fic, I find a nice picture of him with some space for me to type, or just any photo of a random couple, preferably with no faces shown) and then I open canva, import the photo and just scroll through the hundreds of options for decorations and fonts. Literally, just looking at them brings me inspiration. Also, you will want to have a colour theme for your cover that might match the theme of your account, so make sure that everything matches and the colours coordinate properly. I hope I helped!