
//       it's falco's birthday ,          drop stuff for him :>


  * ·˚☆彡 you ' re   home   late .          [   he stood with his arms crossed firmly over his chest. the sun was nearly set by the time his little brother made it home. it was certainly strange behavior coming from falco.   ]
               mom   was   worried   sick .          you   have   a   LOT   of   explaining   to   do .


  w̲e̲l̲l̲ ̲,̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲l̲o̲o̲k̲  who  it  is.         you  feeling  old  or  what ?


  ( ⸙ ) . . . a  gift ?         jee ,,      you  didn't  have  to  go  out  of  your  way  fo r me ,, mr .    galliard .     (  @gllird   )


  a̲s̲ ̲ ̲m̲u̲c̲h̲  as  i  would  love  to ,       i'm  a  busy  guy .          so ,      how  about  a   gift  to  make  up  for  it ?


 ( ⸙ ) . . .   eh ,,         just  a  little  bit .        heh .           ─ oh !       why  don't  you  stop  by  my  place  later ?          mom  made  this  REALLY  good  vanilla  cake .     (  @gllird   )


  * ·˚☆彡  time certainly flies. it felt like only yesterday when colt found out he was going to be an older brother. he remembered that day vividly. 
                he woke up and ate breakfast just like any other day. but their parents held an unusual spark in their eyes, something he had never witnessed before. the shared glances between the couple and giddy behavior was what really sparked eight year colt's attention. he knew better then to ask such silly questions though.
                  the young boy tried his hardest to pay no attention to the odd behavior, going about the morning like he usually did. getting ready for warrior training and school. as he tied the final knot in his shoe, his parents slowly approached. that's when they told him. that's when his whole world changed. 
                 thirteen years ago today, he met his little brother who changed his whole perspective on life. it was certainly emotional knowing falco was one year older. it happens every year, yet colt would never get used to it.
                 colt watched, sitting tucked away in the back to avoid getting in the way of anything. their mother brought out a simple vanilla cake with thirteen blazing candles on top. the joy in falco's eyes brought warmth and joy into his own heart.
                  as soon as the candles were blown out and the cake was sliced and plated, colt moved towards the birthday boy. embracing him into a tight hug.   "   happy   birthday ,,        falco !        jeez ...           it   feels  like   only   yesterday   i   was   cradling   you   in   my   arms .   "
          //         i was prepared .


 ( ⸙ ) . . .       a gentle laugh filled the room as his older brother tackled him with a hug. falco placed a hand on colt's arm in a way to 'return' the hug without having to turn his whole body.     " you say that EVERY year. "     he shook his head with a toothy smile.
                he knew what an emotional time this was for not only their mother but for colt as well. every year it ended with at least ONE person shading tears. falco didn't mind. it only showed how much they care for him. truthfully, he could ask for anything better.
                his family tried very hard for him. he was aware of that. they didn't have a lot of money, like most eldians here. but they still pulled together to put together a wonderful birthday. falco had told them he didn't want anything, other then a day together. yet here he sat with a delicious cake in front of him.
                 " thanks for everything. " the young boy felt he had mostly his older brother to thank. for most of the things that had to be bought for today was bought with the money the military proved colt. it deserved to to be recognized.
                before things got... too emotional, falco pulled the plate closer to himself, stabbing the utensil right into the cake. " you better go get a slice before it's all gone. gabi and the others are stopping by later so their might not be any left by tonight."
                  (  @cltgrc   )


  * ·˚☆彡 you   did   a   great   job   at   training   today .             i  mean ,,       suppressing   gabi   two   days   in   row ?         pretty   incredible .


  * ·˚☆彡 of   course .          it ' s   what    i ' m   here   for   after   all .      ─ does   cheese   and   crackers   sound   good ?


  ( ⸙ ) . . .     a snack sounds GREAT  right about now ,       thanks colt :)        (   @cltgrc   )


  * ·˚☆彡 i ' m  glad   you   had   fun .           just   remember   not   to   push   yourself   too   hard .        now ,,        how   about   a   snack ?