
Hey readers, I hope you all are staying safe. Today I bring to you a golden opportunity. 
          	Are you a writer who wish to see your work featured in a book, under a reputed publication?
          	Do you also dream to have your work in a book that will be sold on Amazon, Flipkart, Kindle, etc? 
          	If yes, then congrats, your dream is just at the doorstep. We are looking for talented co-authors for our upcoming anthology. Publications- @splitpoetryindia & @spipublications. 
          	This book will be a collection of 30 writers.
          	If you are interested, kindly dm me for further details. 
          	Thankyou. Take care.


Umm this book has already been published .


@BushraFaisel hey are you still looking for writers? I just wanted to make sure since this is a message from a long time back


Hey readers, I hope you all are staying safe. Today I bring to you a golden opportunity. 
          Are you a writer who wish to see your work featured in a book, under a reputed publication?
          Do you also dream to have your work in a book that will be sold on Amazon, Flipkart, Kindle, etc? 
          If yes, then congrats, your dream is just at the doorstep. We are looking for talented co-authors for our upcoming anthology. Publications- @splitpoetryindia & @spipublications. 
          This book will be a collection of 30 writers.
          If you are interested, kindly dm me for further details. 
          Thankyou. Take care.


Umm this book has already been published .


@BushraFaisel hey are you still looking for writers? I just wanted to make sure since this is a message from a long time back


Assalamwalekum waa rehmutallah barkat hu good afternoon respect mam life of the millionaire waiting desperate for the sequence out. Love ur excellent work keeps it up Almighty Allah bless u lots. Please response dying to read sequence 


Wa alaikumassalam thank you so much. You will have to wait for the sequel. But I am currently working on the paperback publication of ‘Life of a Millionaire.’ Which will be much better than this first draft. I am sure you will love that too.


Hey !hi! First of all I wanna ask a question, how did you wrote a boy's perspective in your book bcz I am also writing a story which also involves a boy and girl but I have a problem in writing with the a girl's perspective. 


@omegaxavier thank you very much


@omegaxavier hey I didn't understand the last sentence  can u tell me again


Asalamualaykum :) jazakillah for voting, i hope you carry on to read and enjoy :D your votes and thoughts would be highly appreciated ! 


@princessBushy will do so as soon as i get tym in sha Allah :) 


@HiddenBehindMyVeil Wa alaikumassalam..
            My pleasure.
            U can give my books also a try hope u will like it