
Guess who's back! I hope you're all ready because a new story drops tomorrow.


Does anyone here like to read original stories? If so, what genre or tropes do you like most? I'm deciding what story to post next, and I'm crowdsourcing some ideas. Do you prefer originals or fanfiction? If fanfiction, what would you think is most popular? Is there anything specific you'd like to read? Thank you to all for your support and your help


I've been getting a lot of positive feedback about Lonely People and The Life We Once Knew. A lot of people seem to like it, and that really means the world to me. It's a series that has gone on forever, and took a lot of effort to write. I loved writing it, though, and it seems as though a lot of people have loved reading it. So, despite this book going on forever, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a short what happened next story? I had more planned of Amelia joining Wings with Paul and Linda, but also going a round with The Plastic Ono Band with John and The All Stars with Ringo later on. There's a few other formative events in Beatles post history that I had chapters planned around. The third book would be very short, not over thirty chapters, most likely barely twenty. Would anyone be interested in that?


oo sorry for replying to this comment pretty much a whole year later since i just saw this now but i would absolutely love that! hands down those two stories are on my top list for my all time favourite reads on this entire app! you’re an amazing writer and if you do decide to do what you’re suggesting i won’t hesitate to read straight away ♡


@writing-desk-raven I would like that very much!