
Holy crap you guys. I don't use this acct. anymore, and regret to inform you that "Awkward" wont be updated any time soon. I don't know that it will ever get completed. I'm amazed though, it almost has 10k views!! Thank you so much for that, and I now have 80+ followers. Thank you all so much for any time you took to even notice my account or story. <3 I probably wont be on this account again any time soon though.


@fade_a_w_a_y do u have a nother account?


Holy crap you guys. I don't use this acct. anymore, and regret to inform you that "Awkward" wont be updated any time soon. I don't know that it will ever get completed. I'm amazed though, it almost has 10k views!! Thank you so much for that, and I now have 80+ followers. Thank you all so much for any time you took to even notice my account or story. <3 I probably wont be on this account again any time soon though.


@fade_a_w_a_y do u have a nother account?


So my dad decided to take me turkey hunting this morning. o.o we didn't kill anything but the entire time in the woods I was just imagining scenarios for story idea.  haha I couldn't even concentrate on listening for turkeys because I could literally see scenes playing out in front of me. c:


I wrote a oneshot/short story but it's kind of long I think... And I dunno if I wanna post it or not. It has a somewhat sexual scene in it (blowjob) and its so embarrassing like omg wow  I wrote that and its horrible  hahaha >..< 


okay wOw so Since a lot of wattpaders write stories that include 'lemons' aka sex scenes, please take the following tumblr post into consideration (Please take a look at it even if you're not a writer, if you just read stories. Cause this may change a lot of what you read if you like steamy stories hahahah); 
          It's not my blog, and I didn't reblog it because of the type of blog I have, but I found it interesting and figured some of the writers here should take it into consideration. lol c: Enjoy being educated haha


I find I write better or get more inspiration when I'm feeling down or depressed-ish. So, guess who decided to start writing again! c;
          And yes, that means there's possibly going to be a new chapter for 'Awkward' out soon, if anyone even still cares haha c:


I finally posted Part 2 of the "long oneshot" so if anyone had been reading that, you can finally go check it out haha. I wasn't that happy with it and debated whether or not to post it yet for like two weeks, but now I'm just like whatever.