Man, looking back on this old page of mine, it's quite an eye-opener. Looking through my old works from years ago, it puts into perspective just how far I've come with my writing skills. Heck, in one of my "better" stories from the time I was still using "witch" instead of "which", that really tells me a thing or two about my oldest writing habits. I'm not sure if I'll be super active on this page, but I'm more than willing to give it an attempt. I might even do some remasters of my older works if the demand is high enough. Trust me, my writing is far better than the meager fan fics I used to post here. I know my word doesn't mean much when it comes to writing here, since in the past I had said I'd be back and active. Well, we can see how that turned out. At this point, I'm mostly a different guy, working a simple job at a fast-food joint with the dream of becoming an author. If anyone has any questions about my future plans for this page or the stories I'd be writing, just post a quickie down below and I'll make sure to get back to you. Tomorrow is a new day, friends. What will the future hold?