lol yes! A new reality television show! Perfect. Now all we need is the funds to do it. :)
I like Joey, Armand not so much. Oh that reminds me, I have to tell you how my boyfriend reacted, well fiance now. So it was a little over a week ago he came back and invited me to dinner at this local mexican restaurant to catch up on things.
So I get there like five minutes late because my dad is telling me, "If he thinks he can act like he is innocent, he is wrong." Which scared me rather much, I am not innocent of this crime either. ;)
Anyway, I get to the restaurant and find he's not there yet so as a good patient girl I get a table and wait for him to show up. Now, you'd think he'd show up within a few minutes but no, I ordered my food and ate it, and just when I was preparing to leave.... boom!
They come out with a marache (can't spell that) band and this sumbaro was placed on my head. I kept saying, "It's not my birthday! It's not my birthday!" Over and over and then they brought out this plate of curios, with one of those fancy cloth napkins sitting beside it with a ring as its holder!
So I am sitting there, confused and extremely nauseous at the sight of a curios (fried foods are not my friends anymore).
Next thing I know my boyfriend comes out in the prom tuxedo he wore senior year. He doesn't say hello or anything to me but everyone in the restaurant is clapping and cheering and all this stuff while I keep telling myself, "Don't throw up! Don't throw up!"
He sits in front of me and has the curios brought from the tray and placed them in front of me. The scent of them made me turn green and the sight made me vomit right there in front of him. It was so embarrassing! :(
Oh my gosh everyone was saying, "Oh my gosh is she all right? She's sick! That's what happens when you get a girl a ring, they vomit."
So anyway, I got proposed too after the nice restaurant men cleaned up everything and got those dammed curios away from me. So happy ending I guess. :)