
I need more pride and prejudice in my life. i just want a real mr.darcy please 


@senpapisly uhm, a lot of things? 


@senpapisly Did I? What did I say? I'm so confused! xD (but awh, that's sweet! Checking in ^///^)


@faeblesmith you commented on my wattpad like way back omg i was just checking


Look alive, Sunshine
          109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit
          You're here with me: Dr. Death Defying
          I'll be your surgeon, your proctor, your helicopter
          Pumpin' out the slaughtermatic sounds to keep you alive
          A system failure for the masses, empty matter for the master plan
          Louder than God's revolver and twice as shiny
          This one's for all of you rock'n'rollers
          All you crash queens and motor babies
          Listen up! 
          The future is bulletproof! 
          The aftermath is secondary! 
          It's time to do it now and do it loud! 
          Killjoys, make some noise!
          Bad news from the zones, tumbleweeds.
          It looks like Jet-Star and the Kobra Kid had a clap with an Exterminator
          That went all Costa Rica,
          And uh,
          Got themselves ghosted.
          Dusted out on Route Guano.
          So it's time to hit the red line
          And up-thrust the volume out there.
          Keep your boots tight,
          Keep your gun close,
          And die with your mask on if you've got to.
          Alright, Children
          The lights are out and the party's over
          It's time for me: Doctor D
          To start running and say goodbye for a little while
          And I know you're gonna miss me
          So I'll leave you with this
          You know that big ball of radiation we call the sun?
          Well it'll burst you into flames
          If you stay in one place too long
          That is if the static don't get you first
          So remember even if you're dusted
          You may be gone
          But out here in the desert
          Your shadow lives on without you
          This is Dr. Death Defying
          Signing off
          And that is Dr. Death defying! From the MCR album Danger Days: The True Lives of Fabulous Killjoys :)


When I was a young boy,
          My father took me into the city
          To see a marching band.
          He said, "Son when you grow up,
          would you be the saviour of the broken, 
          the beaten and the damned?"
          He said "Will you defeat them,
          your demons, and all the non-believers, 
          the plans that they have made?"
          "Because one day I'll leave you,
          A phantom to lead you in the summer,
          To join The Black Parade."
          When I was a young boy,
          My father took me into the city
          To see a marching band.
          He said, "Son when you grow up,
          would you be the saviour of the broken, 
          the beaten and the damned?"  
          Yes i know, i put alot of lyrics on here, but i can't help it XD XD XD