
I've been trying to figure out what to say or do and have come to the conclusion that my words are not enough. I'm a white girl from a mainly white country. I will probably never completely understand the struggles and all, but I understand enough to support the movement #blacklivesmatter. I hope all my followers and readers are as safe as they can be wherever you all are. If at any point you feel that I've misrepresented or said something wrong, feel free to educate me. I will try to educate myself on my own as well. And I think it's important to have conversations, even with the people who roll their eyes. It is tiring, but necessary. Once they run out of arguments, they might change their opinions because suddenly what they thought to be true doesn't make sense anymore. 
          	Love, faerienightowl


Wow reading Blue Howard took me quite a long time because I was so stressed with school and I am moving soon and that got me so tired and I just wanted to go away and read but I had no energy, but I found the strength to just power through and read it and it was beautifully wrote! (Although I would have preferred more Howard and Anton kissing but that’s fine because of the reasons :) I ain’t going to spoil for others) and Evan seemed nice and I’m glad they got a group of friends! But I was wondering why Emma was being blocked out by Jocelyn, was it because of the introvert thing? I hope somewhere in their universe that they all found someone to be happy with and thanks for writing amazing episodes even when you say that not as good it is still beautiful! I hope your doing well and ummm I wish you the best of everything! (I have no idea what to say besides I loved Blue Howard and how I’m jealous)