
guys calahan skogman replied to my story about blue graffiti?!?!?! he knows i exist?!?!?! how does one process this?!?!?!


i’ve been working on that ARCANE rewrite i said i’d have finished by now (…sorry???) but i’ve been making some really great progress! i’m hoping to at least have the updated introduction chapter up before my exams start (so by sunday next week because my exams start that following monday) before slowly releasing the updated chapters. i might wait until i have a few new chapters drafted so i can work on those while also doing rewrites. i make no promises but this seems to be the plan for now!


the last phase of the g3n0cide has begun. isr*el has begun its invasion into rafah, where over 1.5 million displaced palestinians are sheltering in — over 600,000 of them being children. rafah was the supposed “safe zone”. the rafah crossing has been closed and destroyed, so no one can evacuate g a z a and no aid can enter. the people of g a z a have nowhere to go. this has been isr*el’s plan all along — this was never about “self defense”. this has always been about g3n0cide and ethnic cl3ansing.
          it’s so damn dystopian seeing people post about the met gala while over 1.5 million people are being b*mbed relentlessly. there’s a reason why isr*el began this final stage on the day of the gala — they knew that people would be too distracted by it to pay attention to what their doing in rafah. it’s all intentional. they did this with the grammys, the super bowl, the oscars — this is no coincidence. this is literally the plot of the hunger games. it’s sickening. 
          i’m much more active on instagram (@/wylanslcve) where i have been sharing content/updates about palestine as well as sudan, congo, etc daily. since i’m not as active on wattpad as i used to be (and especially since i’m currently on hiatus), i highly encourage you to go follow me there for any updates i share.
          all eyes on rafah and do no stop talking about palestine. 
          (p.s. please excuse any oddly-censored words — i don’t know how sensitive this app is.)


been catching up on the studio ghibli films i haven’t seen and it’s been an absolute delight!!! i’ve been trying to watch more films (since i’ve barely seen any in the last year), i’d seen a few ghibli films before but now i’ve got the time to get through the rest of their filmography. one of my online friends is also just getting into them, so we’re kind of doing this together which has been really fun! howl’s moving castle is my favourite so far but i can’t possibly rank the rest of the ones i’ve seen because they’re all so unique and powerful in their own ways!!!


hello everyone! i'm still on hiatus but i thought i'd share some resources on palestine i've gathered in the last few days to help raise as much awareness as i possibly can. this is by no means an exhaustive list and i encourage you to seek other reliable resources to stay educated on what's going on, but these are good starting points. 
          firstly, here's a master document that @crierayla posted with a whole bunch of resources (the original creator is hina on tiktok): https://drive.google.com/file/d/16gp6YaNAdlzE0Wq2yynDCqmfQCX3_X36/view
          and here are some additional links:
          — https://oc-palestine.carrd.co/https://free-palestine.carrd.co/https://decolonizepalestine.com/https://www.thepalestineacademy.com/
          and here's some information about boycotting (shared by @vecnas):
          — brands to boycott: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyekzB3LcR-/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== 
          — celebrities to boycott: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8kQYfAw/
          once again this is by no means an exhaustive list, but i'm leaving these here for you to educate yourself and to help raise awareness. there's so much misinformation circulating the internet and it's imperative that we remain educated on what's really going on. there's a reason why platforms like instagram are shadowbanning pro-palestine accounts: this is censorship. they don't want people to know what's really going on. 
          here's a reminder that my account is no safe space for zi0nism. if you support isr**l or are "neutral" (no such thing by the way - you can't take a neutral stance in a gen0cide), unfollow me.


popping in from my little hiatus to say “free palestine and if you support isr**l then kindly unfollow me” <3


@princesspoppiee i won't be saying anything else about this and am going to end the conversation with this: i encourage you to have a look at the resources i've shared in my most recent announcement. i'm trying to educate you and frankly this conversation is getting nowhere, so once again i encourage you to educate yourself by using the resources i've shared as a starting point.


@faheyfilms They are not baseless claims. My husband is in the military and is an Iraq combat veteran. The claims I have made are literally his job to know. He sees statistics and information that you and I don't have access to. I definitely do not consider myself an expert, you're right about that. But I would consider my husband one. And I am not throwing anything at you. This is called a conversation and it goes both ways. We both present each other with facts and our opinions. I'm impressed by all of your facts and I'm not saying they're wrong at all, I just think you've used them to come to the wrong conclusion. And when I said you should think for yourself I didn't mean it as an insult. I said it to empower you. Let's end the conversation here because we could keep going back and forth for forever and this probably isn't the best platform. I truly wish you the best xx


@princesspoppiee you’re talking to someone who grew up in the middle east, who grew up being taught about the situation in palestine and it being a conversation brought up frequently in the household, who also took the necessary steps to further educate myself when i was old enough to. this isn’t new to me, nor is it new to other arabs. this was our upbringing. i’m not “jumping on the bandwagon” — i’m thinking for myself and i’d rather you not assume otherwise. and if this really about “corrupt politicians getting what they want”, what is that? if this isn’t “about terrorism or palestine or israel”, what is this about? what point are you trying to make? not too long ago, you said — and i quote — “the issue in that region is not palestine, it is terrorism”. you’ve contradicted yourself because you clearly have no idea what’s going on — you’re trying to debate what i’ve said without having anything substantial to back your point up. you’re just throwing vague statements at me and expecting me to go along with them. tell me, what exactly do these “corrupt politicians” want? and which politicians are they? and what makes you think this is a war? a war against who, if this isn’t about palestine or israel, and what do you think the objective is? i’m not expecting you to be an expert on this, but if you’re throwing these statements at me and telling me what this is about, then surely you must have some knowledge of what’s going on — but the thing is? you don’t know what’s going on, and you’re trying to justify your stance without knowing what this is all about. so take your own advice and think for yourself, and again go educate yourself before you start making baseless claims. 