Update regarding The Association: Yikes! Has it really been so long? So, long story short, life has been as crazy for me as it must have been for everyone else. I also felt really frustrated and unhappy with my work here and didn't feel that it was a de-stress project for me anymore. I'm not a big author on Wattpad and I have little intention of ever profiting off of what I post here, so it naturally fell to the wayside on my list of priorities. It's almost been a year since I basically left The Association on indefinite hiatus, and I also reverted a number of my other works-in-progress to drafts because I was just so unhappy with them. I'm so sorry to anyone and everyone who've been waiting for an update. I feel like The Association is in its final stretch, but I've been rereading and reformatting the chapters and feel that I'm not only unhappy with the writing quality, but some fairly problematic characterizations as well. I started writing The Association in high school, which feels like a lifetime ago, and the plot was basically a wish-fulfillment fantasy that incorporated cliche after cliche and a lot of problematic stereotyping and anti-feminist characters. I'd like to think I'm a little older and wiser now, which means I'm really not at all content with leaving the work as it is. All of this to say — no, I won't be taking down the story, not just yet. But I feel reenergized when it comes to Wattpad, so I'm going to start editing The Association with some pretty significant structural and character changes. I can't promise a solid update just yet, nor anytime very soon, but I would just like you to know that I am working on it. The next time you do see an update, I hope it'll be with a completed story and a completely re-edited, re-drafted version. I hope you'll be able to see the changes and agree that they make the work at least a bit better. Thank you to everyone who've been reading; I appreciate all of you. Please stay safe and healthy!

@beingjane well, this story just show up in my recommendations and I'm glad you're still somewhat still present:) hope to hear more of you ✨