


sorry that i havent posted the next chapter like i promised, its just a) writers block ans b) some school stuff is happening. i hope i can post a longer explanation on SA. i also apologize for spelling and grammar, im on my phone and autocorrect is turned off. so sorry gang, but i will update at some point soon with SA and an explanation. :)


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I'm writing Chapter 10 for SA. You might get it tonight, depending on how I'm doing writing wise. I have ideas for the next two chapters too. Some people are really gonna wanna kill me after chapter 12. Sorry. but man, i'm stoked for writing the next two chapters, and I'm only 200-300 words into the 10th. I aim for 1000-1500 words a chapter, which isn't all that long but at  that length, 50 chapters make a novel, so I can at least say 'I wrote a short novel' if I get to 50. SA might seem like it's going nowhere, but it's about to get rather interesting :)


Merry Christmas Y'all! I hope you all got something nice! I'm just gonna write a little more of SA and post it, then i'll work on the next chapter so It can be posted shortly. I have two prelims to study for now, Bio and French (an entire letter to memorize, great) and I got SPN (parent's have limited me to 2-a-day, so i can write a little or revise a little.  So I'll go write and listen to music


Okay so I'm not actually on here at all for the next few days. Chapter nine of SA is being written when I take wee breaks from studying. I have my prelims starting tomorrow, and I'm sorta scared.
          My bio teacher is being a bitch and even if like half the class isn't there, she's gonna continue the work and we have to catch up. I have four prelims, English tomorrow, maths Tuesday and chemistry and modern studies on Wednesday. Then I get my braces off and hair cut Thursday, and piano. Then Friday I get my retainers, and I think I'm going to this music project (young people's club) I love. Saturday is the 'breathe this week is almost over' and Sunday I have John Muir.
          Nothing like a quiet week, huh?


lmao I can't see much atm (glasses playing silly beggars) and my eye test isn't til next saturday so I'm just kinda walking blind for the next week, with a constant sore head (sore head with em on, sore head with em off) but I have another chapter of Saving Ashley on the go, but prelims are in 17 days (so not counting) and I need to study (when my family allow me to) so it might not be up til way later this month but I will try between school (no such thing as 4th year study leave) and study and hobbies :3


Okay updates are going to be every second week for a bit, or maybe once a month as my teachers are homework Happy, which makes it hard to find time and space to write among the 'this is due tomorrow/next time i see you/next week' and it alll builds up (as some will know) until I end up with a massive mountain to tackle at the weekend. So Updates will be a bit random until.... October, December or even next summer (!!) whilst I prepare for my Prelims (which is kinda like a smaller, normally harder exam halfway through the year when you hit fourth, fifth and sixth year) and get them out the way (both the November and possibly January set) then of course, my dreaded actual exams in which will be impossible to update whilst i cram to get to highers next year (eep!) I have to get straight A's or my dream stays a dream, which hurts to think about so yeah, Random updates (there possibly won't be one this week, sorry) until Next summer, which, in terms of the school year, actually isn't too far off (for me, cause I just have prelims, Christmas holiday, January Prelims, few months of study and work, birthday, exams, Summer holidays)
          yeah. wow on my massive para, but please be patient (I'm new to all this exam malarky, and I have only one past paper for my subjects cause of the shitty government which means i have NO CLUE what my exams are actually like and I'm already freaking cause teachers take great pleasure in reminding us 'only five more weeks til your prelims!')