
Hai everyoneee how are you alll?? My birthday is like in exactly a month ha ha so I'm sooo excitedd. Anywayy I think I've written a bit in "Bad Girl Much?", so I'll try to find the time and motivation to publish something soon :) Ugh, and also last week was my first week back at school after the summer holidays, so I've been a little busy :( But, I hope you all are well and taking care of yourself, I'll talk to you all soon :) I love you all very much, take care ♡


Hai everyoneee how are you alll?? My birthday is like in exactly a month ha ha so I'm sooo excitedd. Anywayy I think I've written a bit in "Bad Girl Much?", so I'll try to find the time and motivation to publish something soon :) Ugh, and also last week was my first week back at school after the summer holidays, so I've been a little busy :( But, I hope you all are well and taking care of yourself, I'll talk to you all soon :) I love you all very much, take care ♡




Guys.. "Bad Boy Much?" is complete! Oh my gosh, I think I might cry now.. I did cry though when I wrote Chase's death. And like I mentioned, I'm gonna rewrite it and elongate it as promised! Also, I made a playlist for the cuties! Oh my gosh, I love it. I'll share it with you guys in the book, so please be sure to check it out! I also already made a playlist for the next book too ha ha, but of course, that will be released when the time is right ;) Oh my gosh.. I just love writing. Like what do you mean I can write my OWN book, my OWN story, my OWN characters, and EVERYTHING. Oh gosh, I just love Camila and Chase's story so much.. I love a good tragical romance, even though I hate sad endings. But I think sad things are beautiful too, especially tragical romances. Anywayyy.. It's Christmas Eve! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, and joyful new year. Remember to take care of yourself, eat, drink, and sleep well! I love you all dearly, have a blessed day/night <3


Chat omd how are u liking "Bad Boy Much?" so far?? I've finished the cover for it's second book today ha ha, and also I'm sorry but I rushed the book bc I wanted to make sure I got the story down, but dw once the book is finished I'll edit it so it's as long and patiently written like an actual book :) Anywayy I'm thinking about adding an anthology to my "Meet, Love" book, I already have the story and characters in my head so.. ALSO I'm actually thinking about deleting "Sunlit Coffee" bc it's not that very good, and I don't have a good plot in mind (´Д` ) Butt I COULD try my best to work on it soo.. pls be sure to give me some feedback! Anyway, pls take care of urself, eat well, drink water, get enough sleep, and have a good day/night <3 God bless you all sweet angels ♡


Chat I deleted "Under The Cherry Blossoms" ha ha mb mb but I wasn't really sure of the plot yk? And plus I will be writing about grief in my "Bad Boy Much?" books 1 and 2 so.. yah :D Anywayyy I added a chapter to "Sunlit Coffee" and I'll be updating my universe series in "Meet, Love" and maybe add a poem to my "Poetries 4 U" book. I'll probably write the next chapter of "Bad Boy Much?" tomorrow soooo be sure to check it out <3 Anyway, have a good day/night, and make sure you eat and drink water and get adequate sleep. I love you all very much, take care


Hey everyone! Christmas is soon huh? I just published another chapter from "Sunlit Coffee", and changed the first two chapters as an introduction of the two main characters. I'll most likely delete it after the information from those chapters are placed around in the book, because I have a habit of bunching in a lot of information in one chapter lmao. So yeah :D Maybe I'll come may to say Merry Christmas, but if not then I guess I'll have to see you all next year XD. I hope you all have a merry jolly happy Christmas. Take care, eat lots of yummy food, spend precious time with your family and friends, and smile. I love you all very much.


Hiya everyone! I hope you all are doing well :) I just published a new book, and the female main character is almost quite literally a description of me. I hope you all enjoy it. Take care, make sure you eat well and have drunken some water and had a good nights sleep. I love you all


Hey everyone, I deleted "A School Crush", and I think I might continue with my other stories. That includes "The Devil's Daughter", which I previously left discontinued. I'll try and work a bit more on "Bad Boy Much?", because it's gonna be pretty intense and long lol. Anyway, I might be a little active with writing these days. I lost my passion for becoming a singer due to my Depression, so I'm thinking about becoming an author for my future career, as I've always loved reading books and writing stories. I wonder, if I make it past this age, I'll work hard to become a famous and inspiring author. One of the biggest reasons I wanted to become a singer was to be a hero to everyone. I wanted to write inspiring lyrics, with my own personal experiences in them, so I can let people know that they are not alone, and that I can be their solace. And I thought I lost that, which made me incredibly sad. But now, I still have that chance to spread my words through stories. If life treats me well, I promise that I'll save people through my stories. I'll become a hero, a friend, a safe place, and a human to the whole world. So everyone, please be patient. For as long as I live, I'll try my best. I'll work hard and write great stories. And when I die, I hope I leave a wonderful memory in the hearts of everyone who has read my stories.
          I hope you all have a pleasant day/night. Take care, and feel free to reach out to me whenever you want. I'll always be here for you.


Hey everyone. Unfortunately, I was unable to make it to Heaven lol. But I'm in recovery for my e@t!ng d!$0rder, which has made my depression spike up again, and it's worse than ever. I'll try my very very best to update and/or complete my stories. I hope you all are doing okay, feel free to dm me anytime you want about anything at all. Thank you for being here with me, I love you all a lot


Hey angels, I'm going through some personal issues right now, which is why I cannot update my stories much. :( 
          I'll try to update you guys every month, but If not then that most likely means that I've gone to Heaven :(
          But as usual, have a good day/night! <3