Hey everyone, I deleted "A School Crush", and I think I might continue with my other stories. That includes "The Devil's Daughter", which I previously left discontinued. I'll try and work a bit more on "Bad Boy Much?", because it's gonna be pretty intense and long lol. Anyway, I might be a little active with writing these days. I lost my passion for becoming a singer due to my Depression, so I'm thinking about becoming an author for my future career, as I've always loved reading books and writing stories. I wonder, if I make it past this age, I'll work hard to become a famous and inspiring author. One of the biggest reasons I wanted to become a singer was to be a hero to everyone. I wanted to write inspiring lyrics, with my own personal experiences in them, so I can let people know that they are not alone, and that I can be their solace. And I thought I lost that, which made me incredibly sad. But now, I still have that chance to spread my words through stories. If life treats me well, I promise that I'll save people through my stories. I'll become a hero, a friend, a safe place, and a human to the whole world. So everyone, please be patient. For as long as I live, I'll try my best. I'll work hard and write great stories. And when I die, I hope I leave a wonderful memory in the hearts of everyone who has read my stories.
I hope you all have a pleasant day/night. Take care, and feel free to reach out to me whenever you want. I'll always be here for you.