
Hello everyone! Sorry that I haven't published the next chapter of 'Top Wing - A New Addition' yet. I've been busy the past few weeks, but I'll try my best to finish the chapter when I can.
          	And yes, I know I'm late. But nevertheless, I hope everyone had a happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year! I can't believe that it's 2023 already, thank you for the time you've taken to support my book in the past year, and hopefully, we can all make the most of 2023! 


I like the Story,can I Request a Top Wing About Faithfulness ?


@EATWLVR Hi! Unfortunately, I'm not as active on here anymore and I don't write much nowadays. If you'd like to, you can leave a story idea for if and when I come back to writing or for anyone else checking out my profile! I'm happy to hear you like my story though, so thank you ^^


Hello everyone! Sorry that I haven't published the next chapter of 'Top Wing - A New Addition' yet. I've been busy the past few weeks, but I'll try my best to finish the chapter when I can.
          And yes, I know I'm late. But nevertheless, I hope everyone had a happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year! I can't believe that it's 2023 already, thank you for the time you've taken to support my book in the past year, and hopefully, we can all make the most of 2023! 


Happy Halloween to those who celebrate it! I wrote a Halloween special with Baddy and Betty as the main characters and have published it in my new one shots book. Check it out if you're interested and comment your thoughts, I would greatly appreciate it!


HHHH why am I taking so long to publish this chapter- (⁠・⁠–⁠・⁠;⁠) 
          Here, have some dialogue for now, and I have left a hint for what the chapter will be about at the bottom of this message ...
          'So, you have any ideas?' 
          'Huh? Oh, yeah ... well um, I'm not really sure ...'
          'Hm ... how about we just wing it?' 
          '... Wing it? Shouldn't we think of a plan first?'
          Hint hint: Remember those friendship chapters I was talking about a while back? 
          ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭


@fairyliithe thank you! I appreciate your support for my book (⁠◍^ᴗ^◍⁠)✧⁠*⁠。
            ... And I'm also still surprised that you're excited for the chapters, even though I have very inconsistent publishing LMAO- 


@fairyliithe WOOOOO yeaa!! 
            I can't wait for the chapters, but please do take your time. good luck with it ^^


It's been over two months since I last published a chapter, and I apologise for that (〒﹏〒)
          I'm close to finishing the chapter, and since it's been a while, I'll be featuring a couple of paragraphs from the chapter down below that may give some insight on what will happen ... but for now, stay tuned!
          So now, she was here.
          'Do you know how to swim?' Brody asked.
          It was probably safe to say that she knew the basics, like how to stay afloat and tread water, but that was it. The temperature of Montane Boscage's waters was comparable to the icy caps of the mountains that the island was famous for, so swimming was not something people did. 
          'Um, kind of,' replied Tara.
          'Do you know how to tread water?' 
          'Hm, I think that'll do,' concluded Brody. 'And anyways, I'll be here if you end up falling into the water!'


            ooh nice! Good luck finishing the chapter.


So I should be writing the next chapter (and I have been!), but instead, I'm writing a parody for an assessment task, which will delay the chapter (not that it hasn't been a while since I last published one). I thought I should just let you all know, and that this chapter will include Taz's first rescue mission ("finally, we're ten chapters in!") Stay safe everyone! :>>


@fairyliithe no problem, I enjoy it! So thank you for writing a fun and entertaining story ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


@nimskip I will! And thank you for continuing to read my book Mori, I really appreciate it!! <33


@fairyliithe oh yayy! can't wait to see her in action aw yeeeee
            and as always, take your time! Finish your work n stuff so you can write the fic happily and free from pressure ^-^


Hi! Sorry for the slow update for "Top Wing - A New Addition", I'm currently in writer's block hhh-
          The chapter I'll publish soon will have a part two of it, which whatever happens on that chapter is on the same day as the previous one. Let me try give an example in case I'm just being confusing at this point:
          Chapter 9: (Morning) Bonding time between Taz and the cadets.
          Chapter 10: (Afternoon, occurs after bonding time) Rescue mission.
          Just to be clear that drafts aren't official yet, and how it is right now might not be what I publish.


@fairyliithe no problem. Take your time. Know that we'll always be here :)


Hello! So, I wanted to let you know that I'm aware that I haven't updated "Top Wing - A New Addition" in a while. I was writing the next chapter when I realised that the plot of the chapter was irrelevant to the storyline. The chapter was supposed to be a friendship chapter (interactions between Taz and a cadet) that I planned, but I thought the story would progress much slower. I scrapped the idea and I'm planning to make a friendship book (I explained what it'd be about in my previous announcement). Sorry for the wait! I promise I'll publish the new chapter for "Top Wing - A New Addition" sooner or later.
          (Also I'm just going to use Taz instead of Tara in announcements because it's more convenient for me, just to let you know!)  


            Ooh sounds interesting!


            I assure you'll it'll be published soon ^^


            Hm, I haven't thought about that actually! Maybe I might have the cadets call her Taz once they all warm up to each other, otherwise she'll just be called Tara by the cadets and Taz by her family and Wyndham.


I’m thinking of making a seperate book for friendship chapters (or you could simply call them oneshots?) between characters of the show and Taz, kind of like the “friendship !” section in the character profile. Friendship chapters include scenarios that won’t appear in “Top Wing - A New Addition” (but still part of the book’s alternate universe, if you get what I’m saying?) and develops the friendship between the characters featured (but the chapters would be centric Tara chapters and I feel that people would eventually get bored of her, which is why I’m not too enthusiastic on doing it). What would you think of it? 
          Also, the next chapter for “Top Wing - A New Addition” is slow to release because of school work, but it’ll soon to be published lol-


@fairyliithe same here I'd love to read it!! :D It would be interesting to see how Tara's character would mix in with the cadets, and perhaps learn more about Tara herself too x)


            I would totally read it!
            I get that you would want to write about Tara and and the cadets' friendships that are separate from the story, and I would love to read about them.
            I love Tara's personality and how her past has affected her and stuff, so bring it on :>