To everyone protesting PLEASE be safe! To everyone who seems more concerned with properties being burned/ trashed than three officers who have still yet to be arrested for the murder of an innocent black man & so, so many others, you’re part of the problem.
The REAL protestors are actually protecting buildings so that they DON’T get destroyed, but the media only covers what they want which is of course none of peaceful protesting going on. That’s why it’s up to every single one of us to actually speak up. You can say “oh I’m not racist,” but then be sitting there quietly or posting selfies or pics of your dog, while not taking one minute out of your day to donate, sign petitions, or share.
Sure you’re not racist but you’re being quiet & THAT’S a problem.
To all my black followers/ readers as a white person I am well aware of the privilege I have & I know I won’t ever be able to understand, but I do stand by you, I will listen, I’m your friend, & your fight is mine too.
Don’t leave it up to your black friends to educate you. That is NOT their job, it’s yours. Do your research. Show you care, show you stand by them. Do. Your. Part.
Stay safe & let’s keep the love alive <3