love when ur bf?? i think hes my bf quits talking to u and u wonder if u get up and pretend everything is okay well ill just get my coffee ready and sit there and pretend it dont hurt
if people want to call me a fake then i'll let you think what u want because i dont care no more... ill change to make u happy but i love to be tht quiet person tht everyone forgets about. i love to sit here and be upset when i dont have my bby to talk to
i love been called a faker well guess what thus is me and i bet u cant handle half the things i have been through only one person knows my whole life thing and he his my closest friend i ever had
who would jump off a bridge to save my life??? or you could tell me to my face that you dont like me! but i would rather jump off a bridge and see who would all care that i was gone. some people ask me how i plan on dieing. the old me old of said i wouldve kill myself to put my family out of my trouble but i would say i would want to live with someone i truely care about!! but i also open my eyes and started to see that i dont need as much friends as anyone one else i already have 6 amazing friends and one close one tht will be in my life for ever. but know i still stop and ask if im doing the right thing or if i can trust some one with thus. but not everybody nows what or how i feel and no one will ever know. i grew up to not talking my feelings or sayin much when family is over. i dont believe in god (sorry to say) but i do believe in heaven and having faith in people its just the way i grew up and this is how i would want to stay.....
Hey my cousin's bf is being an ass he told her he would call her back after he ate its been 3 hrs! and on his snap chat story there was a picture of a girl that said at babes i feel bad for Faith what do you guys think about this?? Comment back!!