
Just uploaded my new Harry Potter fan-fic novel! I`m so excited to see what you guy`s think :D


Ok so I was tagged by NatureGarden to do a 13 things about me post, so here we go!
          1. I LOVE the LOTR movies and books I seriously cant get enough.
          2. I have a horse named Olaf.
          3. I wrote my first story 2 years ago.
          4. I'm an archer, and I usually arch with my best friend.
          5. My favorite author on wattpad is Littlelo.
          6. My favorite series is the regency series by Littlelo.
          7. There are seven (Yes I said SEVEN) kids in my family.
          8. my favorite book is Someday i,ll  be redeemed by kelleneta.
          9. I love historical fiction!
          10. I've read the princess bride at least a hundred times.
          11. If I could marry anyone Id marry Orlando Bloom!
          12. My dream is to have my book Queen Anne of Scotland published.
          13. I'm currently reading the rangers apprentice series.