
Hey all, just letting you know I haven't forgotten about any of you.  I am still here


Hi!! Thank you for getting into my story Reject Me & I’ll Show!! You’re awesome and I appreciate you! ❤️


Thanks so much, will update soon!


@Hadyn7Author keep up the great work.  I can't wait to read what happens next


"When you have nothing left to live for but your children, friends and family will have something to live for one day those that are willing to fight only need a leader to take the lead and lead them into battle and any battle, no matter how bleak it seems can be won and the ultimate victory...freedom, can be achieved. " Trever Burden, 2017


Most have seen my writings on bullies and all, I know many of you will ask why I seem strong and unfrighten by someone would threaten or try to bully me...I will always tell you that those that are bullied need to have a person that is willing to stand up against the bully or the threat to show them that they do not need to be afraid and you have every right to defend yourself if it is needed.
          Yet you got to realize that fighting isn't always the answer...bullies come from miserable lives themselves and they aren't perfect.  My advice is that you show your strength standing and not backing down, throwing a fist should always be your last option but always control your emotions because that's how you will always lose a fight when you can't control your fear or any emotion.


Most people have asked me why I stand strong in the face of danger or go about putting myself in harms way to protect others when most of the time I don't even know who the person I am protecting.  Its because when those that are in need of protecting don't know how to need a leader to take the lead and show those that are afraid that there is no need to be afraid any longer.