hi all, i’m officially retired from fanfic writing (i’m about to lock in on my internship at a t20, my first year of college, and get this money for the motherland as a consultant ) HOWEVER you can find most of my completed works on @falconcoast on tumblr or ao3. i love that there is a lot of support here, and i promise to finish up thin ice importing one day. been busy loving life! especially jane eyre :) happy trails, all! so long and thank you for all the fish. well wishes for you and your loved ones.
@falconcoast well wishes for you too! Thank you so much for writing your iconic thin ice fanfic. It’ll forever stay on my top favourites list <3
@falconcoast bye author! I rlly loved ur childe fic omggg do enjoy loving life
*especially reading jane eyre. you’d think this 5 on ap lit would’ve given me great grammar and spelling