
Muslims! We did it!  Eid Mubarak everyone  hopefully your love and efforts while fasting will be seen'
          	Anyway, I have good news: I think I finally overcame my writer's block!  (and hopefully I'm not quick to my joy-)
          	I'm half way through the new chapter of Rivalry and idk if someone cares about this: I'm finally starting to write on the storyboard of the manga me and my best friend plan (I was scared of ruining it so I didn't want to start...) my username is @Tgw_Storywriter :)


@fallenangel0666 ta mas... e o katakuri / okay but... and katakuri?????????????




Good afternoon. I wrote to you on AO3 that I want to discuss something with you. So here it is. I really liked your fanfiction, but since it is in a foreign language (I write this message through a translator, I also read your fanfiction through a translator), I would like to translate your fanfic into my own language and post it on another site. Naturally, since the fanfiction is yours, I would like to ask for permission. Can I do the above?


Okay, no problem =>


As soon as you're done, please send me the link <3


Of course, I will specify your name in the work! It must undoubtedly be indicated! Your fanfiction is amazing, thank you for your permission :)


Heyyy, how are you doing so far? Just wondering cuz I don't think you've been online much or not really sure if you're online now or anything, just wondering if you'll be back lol.


I am here but I'm in a kind of slump rn :') I'm trying to get back into writing but if so I'd most likely focus on another fanfic I write 


Muslims! We did it!  Eid Mubarak everyone  hopefully your love and efforts while fasting will be seen'
          Anyway, I have good news: I think I finally overcame my writer's block!  (and hopefully I'm not quick to my joy-)
          I'm half way through the new chapter of Rivalry and idk if someone cares about this: I'm finally starting to write on the storyboard of the manga me and my best friend plan (I was scared of ruining it so I didn't want to start...) my username is @Tgw_Storywriter :)


@fallenangel0666 ta mas... e o katakuri / okay but... and katakuri?????????????


I decided to make my Josuke fanfic undergo some editing and small changes, like the change of stand name from "Invisible Touch" to "Angel Eyes" since I really like that song :) As soon as I'm finished, I'll publish the 5 chapters that I had already published!
          Stay safe, everyone ❤️


Lmao whoops- I recently got my nails done so I'm having problems with typing etc... The ppl who read my Josuke ff may have noticed me accidentally dropping the ninth chapter :') Anyway, that wasn't intended. I didn't finish it yet and the fanfic is nowhere near done. It will take some time. I'm trying my best tho, since I'm currently writing three fanfics on parallel. The patience will pay off! ❤️ that's it from me, hope everyone is doing well :) bye!


Yasss I finally started to write the 23rd chapter of Rivalry :') Sorry for the slow updates guys... But I'll keep my best to not be too slow ^^ I'm currently writing on two stories so both take time away from each other, causing me to be pretty slow... Anyway, my best friend's birthday almost ended and I love her :') ❤️❤️❤️


@fallenangel0666 ITS OKAY TAKE YOUR TIME!!


Wow ok I actually am very proud of what I have written so far in the Josuke Fanfic I'm writing rn o.o Sorry Rivalry readers, I didn't start the 23rd chapter yet :') Don't worry, I will start...soon I think, Idk...But I will, don't worry!! ❤️ 
          Anyway, on to my question to my Josuke readers (if y'all even exist lmao): Should I do it like I planned and publish everything at once or do you want me to publish the chapters I have written?
          Thx for reading and have a nice day/evening/night! ^^


@TinyWaffel I'm sorry to disappoint you but I didn't even watch the show (and probably never will-) :') I'm really sorry 


I probably spelt it wrong anyways from 6 deadly sins