
Thanks for the vote! Im not sure I had seen you reading before ( might have missed it in wattpad notifications ) but thank you so much for checking out my book!!


@fallenangeldontuccry also appreciate the wishes to guard against writers block by the way...I might need them in a few chapters from now when major revisions must be made;-)


@fallenangeldontuccry Of course! I really do appreciate each and every one of my readers an wanted you to know that:-)
             I'm so glad you are enjoying the story. I feel so grateful to have found readers here on wattpad who really seem to be connecting with my story and my characters. 
            Indeed much is plotted out already ( for both this book and it's sequel) but I can say that there is so much yet to come in the story line... Anything is possible;-) Thanks again for reading (and for your request/suggestion;-)). Know that I value reader feedback sooooo much and really appreciate you taking the time to give me yours!


@stpolishook Hi there. Thank you for sending a personal message for the vote. You are a talented storyteller and I find your writing style very cathartic. One request : I think Henry and Karina will make an extremely dynamic  couple. I am sure you have your story planned out and your characters sketched out. This is just a silly fan who cannot help but ship them. May you be protected from Writer's Block and may creativity be ever in your favour.
            Best wishes and warmest regards,