
@SexyDogBuns Aw yeah, definitely sounds good dude! And aw you okay I hope your tongue doesn't hurt! But yeah, I hope we all start going online frequently again! That'd be totally wonderful wow, wow. 
          	(Also, hear about the new Killjoys comic? So pumped for it!)
          	Totally awesome talking to you, lots of love. <3 c:


@SexyDogBuns Aw yeah, definitely sounds good dude! And aw you okay I hope your tongue doesn't hurt! But yeah, I hope we all start going online frequently again! That'd be totally wonderful wow, wow. 
          (Also, hear about the new Killjoys comic? So pumped for it!)
          Totally awesome talking to you, lots of love. <3 c:


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@PrettyDarnGay djm6btufd D'AW!! :D
          Dude I just found a sewing needle under my pillow case and tried to eat it but it got caught on my tongue and now I'm bleeding. BHWHAHAHAHAH
          DELICIOUS. *twitch*
          But anygerardways, yeah.....we've had some pretty damn good times and we'll no doubt have greater time in the future. Perhaps, when we all start going online frequently again, we can write a collaboration MCR story eh? There can be lots of violence, fucking, and sassyness to go around. <3 


Sappy. Oh, how sappy I am. So, if any of you remember me (which, who knows I'm pretty sure I've been long and forgotten, it happens!) I've been missing you all like hell, wow. 
          5th grade, started this account. Thought my writing was the shit. Now look, I obviously wasn't. But I do hope you understand, you are ALL the reasons I started even to put an effort to writing. I thought you were cool, funny, and fucking amazing. (Which you still are wow ily) I think, in a weird way, I watched each of you sorta grow up a little and evolve. I'd race home, start up my shitty ass laptop, and talk to you as if we knew each other since back in B.C days. Which it totally felt like. 
          On another note. I had A. horrible, hooooooooorrible grammar.   Shan, you actually pushed me to start using punctuation marks, the right your and you're, and other forms of writing methods. Bless you for that, really. I'd brag to my friends about how wonderful you are, probably still don't regret that.  And lovely Ellie, so adorable okay. You literally made my day when I talked to you, thank you man. You had the best personality and just, aw. So pretty and cute! Plus I think in many ways you completely formed an excellent way of writing. Well done, I love you man. 
          Last but DEFINITELY not least, Jenny. Wow, such a bubbly personality I couldn't ask for more! You literally commented on my fics and said how nice they were, even though we both know that they were terrible! Haha, but I just want to say that every minute spent talking to you was worth the while man, stay amazing. 
          So, even though this is probably a stupid and childish thing, I think we were like, "best killjoy friends"
          MCR is definitely the big reason I love you guys so much and have a lot in common. It brought us together, that's fuckin' rad, honest. 
          So I guess I'm just saying that, in some tiny porthole, awaiting to be opened in the back of my mind, I still think of you guys. Love you. XO-Peyton @IGetHighOnMilkshake @EllyHame @SexyDogBuns