
Dear readers,
          	✨I just found out an amazing artist called Taylor ash who made beautiful soundtracks to books like cruel prince, blood and Ash etc.
          	Honestly it's very beautiful.✨
          	Yours truly


Dear readers
          ✨I am back, but I'm not finding anything wow to read as of now, maybe I'm burnt out who knows, anyways its good to write to you guys again and I'm also gonna start working on my book again. It's always been my passion even though I don't seem very zealous about it. ✨
          Yours truly 
          The aspiring writer 


Dear readers, 
          ✨I have noticed that I have left the reading part out of the writer as well, and i can't stand for it so i have decided to re-read my favourite books starting from the cruel prince series.
          P.S i hope it works out.✨
          Yours truly
          Almost aspiring writer


Dear readers,
          ✨I need to take out aspiring from the aspiring writer because to aspire something I need to write something and that's just not happening.
          Ngl mostly it's my fault and the other is also my fault.✨
          Hopefully, things start looking up 
          P.S don't be like me.
          Yours truly 


Dear readers
          ✨Its seems that fortune is never smiling at me, guess who got semimars to do this week. Me thats who.
          I bought the cruel prince set but i haven't read it yet thats not the saddest bit even hahahah
          Any who merry merry guys✨
          Love writer (please send me fortune)