
Also I wanted to give a huge thank you for 20k reads on Me, My cigarette and the world. You are all so amazing. love you guys ❤️


First chapter of my new fic posted. I know I’ve never written a frerard fic and the majority of y’all are either blur, sidemen or panic fans, but I encourage you to give it a read. I’ve decided to double the chapter length than that of previous fics so updates might come slower (I’m hoping for once a month). My writing has improved so much from even my last fic and I’m just so excited to share it because it means so much to me ❤️


Omg I miss writing so bad but I have no idea what to write about. Like I don’t really ship ppl like I used to and characters are hard to write lol. This is a struggle. Like I want to write another fic but I’m lost and feel like I’m too old to be writing fan fiction :(


And just like that... it's over. Thank you everyone for the ongoing support even though it would be almost a full year between updates....... don't think I forgot about that book idea either. Editing starts tomorrow and 4-5 copies will be available for purchase along with some goodies for being such lovely readers. I love all of y'all and now that this story is over I'm gonna go cry lol


I feel awful for asking since I’ve been doing other things and have majorly procrastinated finishing my fics.. but do y’all think you can help out a starving musician and like my cover I just posted? It would mean a lot. Link is in bio ❤️❤️❤️


@cookieisdead thank you!! ❤️


@ fan_face  your singing is really good!! uwu~


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I’m still writing the last chapter dw it will get out at some point... I’m sorry it’s taking so long I had to end some toxic stuff and realize men ain’t shit and that I’m still a bad bitch. Also I’m a bunny mom to a 9 month old rabbit who’s the size of a cat so my hands are a bit full bc he eats like crazy and I have to make money to appease his tastes LMAO


@jocbop ❤️❤️❤️


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good for you!!!! yup men rlly aint shit but proud of you!!!