
Hey sorry I won't be posting on here anymore! But please do go and follow my friend and give her some love and support! She posts anime related stories and are honestly good! If you wish to keep some form of contact with me you can reach me through her @wingeyelinerwriter
          	Thank you to all for your love and support! 


Guys I have a funny story to tell XD so remeber how like almost a year ago I said I was going rewrite the whole kidnapped series! Yeah so about that I'm still in the middle of writing the first book! XD isn't that funny! XD no but seriously I'm sorry it's taking so long this year has been the best, most stressed and most depressed years ever and so it's taking a while for me to write, plus also i have been writing other books on the Idk when the new revision will be up but all I have to say about it is longer chapters more details and for those of you how LOVE Adam (<-note sarcasm) more reasons to hate him! :) hopefully getting the books done will go faster since I have a partner helping me with it now! So thank you and I am so sorry 


Guys omfg i had like a bomb idea for a revision for kidnapped! But like Idk if i should stick with the plan i had or go for the new idea. But I  would like some opinions and comments from you guys cuz i like making the story better to the way you guys want it plus I like hearing your guys opinions and comments... so if anyone is interested in hearing out my idea dm me and we can discuss, I'll even give you dedication and sneak peeks of the new revisions and the upcoming books! Ily all <3


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I feel like I'm due an update of why my revisions are taking so long to updateI'm sorry I was stuck on one chapter and one scene for like literally all summer so finally i was like fuck it I'll put this scene is and so now I'm working on chapter 12! Yes ik 'omfg your only on chapter 12' I'm sorry I'm a shity ass writer and chapter 11 is long af okay XD I'm like trying really hard to make the chapters longer and better, and I'm honestly liking the new revisions. And hopefully I'll be writing a lot more because I'm very happy :) happier then I have ever been in my life :) so hopefully this happiness will help me get in track with my writing :) thank you for understanding why it's taking so long 


I'm sorry guys if it's taking a while to post anything like the updates to kidnapped or the next chapters to the Guardian angel series, but I'm sorry I really suck at writing I'm struggling with rewriting of the kidnapped series i don't typically like to ask people for help so Idk...I'm trying to figure it out and with the school year starting in 4 days the stress is 10x's worse I'll try and update something if i can and I'm really sorry


Omg guys thank you so much for 100 followers lol anyways I'm just going to try and keep this short XD okay so I was thinking since I'm not good at anything just deleting my stories i have on here right now cuz they suck so bad and just leaving and putting up the kidnapped series how does that sound...and yes I know the revisions to kidnapped are taking a long time well I'm sorry, believe it or not but Josh's p.o.v's are hard to write for some reason but hey you are getting more and longer chapters so be happy with that! Hehe loves lots and thanks again for 100 followers!!!! ❤


I'm pretty good friends with @fan_fictionlover and they are an amazing person and I think the they write amazingly...I honestly wish I could write like they do but I would really like to thank @fan_fictionlover for helping me with my book series "Hostage" because anytime I was stuck with the story plot and no other friends were available they were there @fan_fictionlover has not just helped me through writing but through the first 6 months that I have been on Wattpad because the reason I came onto Wattpad in the first place was to vent some of the stress that I had ,in school, life issues etc, into my writing and when I felt that my writing couldn't fix it I found a person that understood me, @fan_fictionlover put me at ease with myself and now I actually worked up the courage to tell my parents things like that I was bisexual and my suicidal thought ps etc and now I'm actually in therapy and progressively getting better, thanks to @fan_fictionlover. If it wasn't for them I probably would of committed suicide right now because I get PM's from my old School bullies saying things like I'm a bisexual bïtch that didn't  deserve to live and that I could do everyone a favour and die. So thanks to @fan_fictionlover I'm living a better life then I originally was.
          Thank you. 


@XxPinkAndFluffy you are so very welcome! I know what it's like I've been there before it just takes the right person to show you the way and brighten up your world!!! I'm glad we could become friends and help each other with our problems!!! I hope your future will get brighter and even 100x's better!! :3 <3 it's friends like you and messages like these that make me happy and continue on :3 i lava u my friend :3 <3 


Helloooooooooooo!!!! So due to the request of making a 4th and the book to the Kidnapped series i have decided to go back and edit/fix kidnapped...because let's face it it's a major cliché (and I hate clichés:'()(plus I've been writing this since I was in 6th grade and I'm finishing up my sophomore year now) so I'm going to go back and fix some things, add some things I might even rewrite book 2 and 3 since those books seemed to kind of sucked (except for the ending of the 3rd book...i like the ending :3 yes I am an evil author)(if anyone has any ideas or advise HMU) another reason I have noticed through like comments or private messages was like the confusion or concern with Hope’s parents and the police etc (and it's my fault for not adding that, I think i rushed through the last two books that's why there is not as much chapters) due to major editing you might want to go back and reread the books so you don't miss anything in books 4 & 5 plus also if there was any confusion or concern tell me so I can go back and fix it to make it clearer or if you think there is anything I need to add to add to the plot or the story or character background let me know so I can fix it and hopefully make it better!!! I might also change the titles idk yet i really dont want to because it involves making new covers and i like the kidnapped covers :'(! But I am extremely happy because for the past two months the Kidnapped series has gotten a whole bunch of views, votes, comments, people adding it to there reading list and the last two months have really sucked for me, so seeing all the good feedback about the series has really made me happy!!! I will start editing the kidnapped series when school is over for me (June 22 *cries*) so if anything needs to be clarified please tell me so I can fix it!!! I lava uuuuuu!! <333
          (I make these longer then there suppose to be -.- i apologize)