Hi guys!!
So yes, I am alive belive it or not but I am here to share with you something!
I know I was not active for a VERYYYY long time and I don't think that will ever change on this accaunt BUT I came up with idea and I want to share it with you
Ok so, we all know that new year is in 2 days right, and everyone is trying to glow up just like every other year and we all know that 98% of those people(including me to) never actually stick to their plan. So my smart ass came up with an idea.
I want to write a book.That book will be like my personal blog where I share with you my glow up journey. I will help you and try to motivate you and I hope you will help me too! I think it's mutch easier when you are not alone and when you know that someone actually belive in you.
I hope you like this idea and that you will be with me on that journey!
I will be writing that book on accaunt @main_ccharacter (I think it's called like that).
Details about book will be there in dew hours!
I hope you will join me on my journey and forgive me for all mistakes in this message.