I don't know why but my dream seemed to sound like a really good book.
It was about a person going with their group of friends to a house you can rent for a few days once you arrive there are some stuff that the group before you left behind. For some reason a male with white hair ends up being our best friend that we never leave. The house is a lot bigger on the inside and MC sees a bit of dried blood on the carpet with a brush under the couch. Then for some reason you forgot pads or tampons and you need to change so MCs friend takes her upstairs to the bathroom but on their way there they see something made of gold with buttons on it with words. There were tampons and the other stuff seemed like cursed items. So MC pressed on the one had a figurine and tampons. She stared at the box that the figurine had. So the she ran off to her white haired friend who was by the bathroom down the hall and gifted it to him. She walked in the bathroom and saw some blood that stained the wall the ceiling and the sink. She found pads which was good and changed to pads. Once she got out she told them all there was blood the Chad of the group said he was some in his room and everyone else's.
After that a bit of it's blank but here's the ending.
MC woke up her white haired friend for something and they were getting chased by a demon. The white haired friend got hurt and eventually they made it to the end room where the Chad, the jock, the goth, and the girly girl, were all at. She grabbed onto her white haired friend and stared at all the demons who were saying that the button thing was all them and the fact they got some were their fault. So they were laughing. MCs friend fell on the floor and was holding her friend. And angel came in and got rid of em and left that's all what happened