
Big news! 
          	I’ve just published my book “Afterlife”! If you need backstory, it’s just an old book I had in 8th grade! If you’re okay with self inserts go check it out! I wrote the book for some nostalgic purposes and to try and get me back into writing!


@fandom_chickie cool! Where can I read it?


Big news! 
          I’ve just published my book “Afterlife”! If you need backstory, it’s just an old book I had in 8th grade! If you’re okay with self inserts go check it out! I wrote the book for some nostalgic purposes and to try and get me back into writing!


@fandom_chickie cool! Where can I read it?


I have some very personal and serious news to share. Nothing life threatening or saddening, just hear me out for this:
          If you were personal friends with me in 2015, then you knew I was moving from my childhood home into a brand new house in a different town. It was very sad for me to do, despite that I’d get a room like I always wanted, and was very damaging on me; the reason why we were moving was because my Pop-Pop owned the house and he died that year, meaning that my grandma’s brother gained the deed to the house and was kicking us out. Im still angry at him for doing it, but didn’t know that at the time. All I knew was that we were moving. 
          If you’re a long time follower, then you’ll also remember the self insert books I did in 2015. Ive never shared this before, but I’ve come to the realization that I wrote them because it was a coping mechanism at the time, and this isn’t a new concept: writing and drawing has always been a coping mechanism for me, and I still do it to this day. I write and draw self insert stories as a coping mechanism from my past abuse (I was emotionally manipulated and abused by my older sister for most of my life, and the move actually made it less severe), and it always makes me feel better. 
          But, to make a long story short, I’m going to pick the books back up because I really miss writing them and want to get a nostalgic feeling of it. If you’re interested in reading them, let me know and I’ll try getting them out as quick as possible. And thank you if you read all the way through, I really appreciate it!  it’s also 4:52 where I am, and I couldn’t be anymore tired, so if there are any spelling mistakes, I’m tried af and can’t type


New Book???
          If you're a really old follower of mine, you probably remember the weird self-insert books I had. To new followers, I had this series where I made self-insert stuff and it was super bad but people liked it. I deleted it after I went into high-school I think. I've been thinking about remaking it but in a shitposty type of way like the My Immortal fic. If you want me too, reply down below! I can also do a serious work with the series where it has actual good writing.


@fandom_chickie THAT SOUNDS AMAZING 


Can you make a 107 facts about Danny Phantom book?


Again, it’s already made! If you want to check out some 107s, they’re all over on channelfrederator on YouTube. They have a list dedicated to the 107 facts, so you can see what they’ve made and if there’s a show there that isn’t made, I’ll happily do so!


@queenlunathewolf I'd love to, but there's already a 107 facts about Danny Phantom already! I mainly do the 107 facts for small fandoms like RC9GN or PZPTH for example. If you have other reccomendations for shows that don't have a 107 facts, I'll gladly do them!


*shows up 50 years late* sorry I was in the shower lmaooo
          Anyways I’m back! If you guys want to request a 107 facts story (something that hasn’t been done by channel frederator) let me know! I’ll also probably do some oneshots if I get time?????? Idk what I’ll be doing now, but if you have any ideas let me know!