Hey Everybody! Long time no write. At least not here. Sorry I’ve been inactive for YEARS. I’ve been busy re vamping Abaddon The Animal Kingdom. A book I wrote with my cousin and we got published. We are coming out with a remastered version of our book very soon. I will send an update and link to it once it’s up. We have also been working on a prequel to it. It’ll be a long while before that’s complete as we learned from our mistakes and won’t publish that one until it’s totally done as perfect as we can get it. We do have a very rough draft of Abaddon here on Wattpad somewhere if you want to check it out but that was done way back when it was still a work in progress. I highly recommend getting our remastered version from Amazon when it comes out. It reads so much more smoothly and really is the final product of our book that we are finally satisfied with. I also wanted to let you all know I should be more active with Wattpad stories as well. I’ve partnered up with someone and we’re going to be writing Harry Potter fan fiction together and I may occasionally post more original stories I wrote just for fun on here as well. So if all this works out I should be more active. Lastly I probably will be changing my name on here to Fandom geek or something along those lines. It’s a name that fits me since I’m onto a lot of fandoms. I’ve been using that name on a lot of my social media. I think it’ll work here too because I’ll be posting a lot of Fan fiction stuff. Anyway expect to see content from me soon. It’s good to be back on here guys.