
New Schedule:
          	Week 1 (Marvel Oneshots):
          	    Sun-Fri: Writing/Editing (Requests + Birthdays)
          	    Sat: Publishing (2-3 stories)
          	Week 2 (Fandom Oneshots):
          	    Sun-Fri: Writing/Editing
          	    Sat: Publishing (2-3 stories)
          	Week 3:
          	    Break Week
          	Week 4 (Marvel Oneshots)
          	    Sun-Fri: Writing/Editing (Requests + Birthdays)
          	    Sat: Publishing (2-3 stories)
          	*Will repeat monthly in same order


New Schedule:
          Week 1 (Marvel Oneshots):
              Sun-Fri: Writing/Editing (Requests + Birthdays)
              Sat: Publishing (2-3 stories)
          Week 2 (Fandom Oneshots):
              Sun-Fri: Writing/Editing
              Sat: Publishing (2-3 stories)
          Week 3:
              Break Week
          Week 4 (Marvel Oneshots)
              Sun-Fri: Writing/Editing (Requests + Birthdays)
              Sat: Publishing (2-3 stories)
          *Will repeat monthly in same order


So, I'm getting organized this summer and am making a schedule for writing! This way I'll be able to be more organized and hopefully I'll get more stories out that way! So be looking forward to me updating you on when certain things will be updated.


Also this will be going into affect as of June 1st so I can get my bearings together!


Guys I have a very important announcement, @TwisterSisterTheOneA is not actually hating on me, she's actually one of my close friends and we decided to be funny because she discovered an old account that had nothing on it. Honestly I love how many of you sassed back to her, and it might be bad that I did laugh at a lot, so hey sorry about all of the drama stuff, but I think if we go back and look at some of the things my friend posted it's actually very funny I know we both had some good laughs. So again, sorry, and sorry if you hate me now. Also I would totally recommend reading the book she published about why I'm the worst because I died laughing at it.


Anyone know some good fandoms to get into?


The mortal instruments, Hannibal( the tv show because is actually amazing), and umbrella Academy. 


I doubt anyone will care, but I was just called hot. Guys this is the first time I’ve ever been called that. Plus it was by this really cute guy as well!!


@fandompotatos you're not as hot as Tom Hiddleston though! BuRn!!!!!!!!


@fandompotatos i dont really know you but NOICE