Hey guys, i know that i don’t talk on here sloth but something needs to be shared and spread. Please use the hashtag #TakeYouHomeAvery so that we can find her and make sure that she’s safe. To figure out more information on Avery and how you can help to find her please go read @Scarlett_Schuylers book and add it to your reading lists! Stay safe out there.
Heyyoooo I got tagged by @johnlaurens4life so here we go:
ten things about me
1.I freaking love Supernatural
2. I’ve been in eight musicals at my local theater
3. I’ve been to Warped Tour
4. @johnlaurens4life is my best friend in real life and is the reason i’m on Wattpad
5. I play the guitar
6. I live in Florida
7. I have a chinchilla
8. I have a dog
9. My favorite Youtubers are Sam and Colby
10. My favorite color is red
A joke hahaha
*stolen from supernatural because this makes me laugh every time*
why is six afraid of seven?
well i assume it’s because seven is a prime number and prime numbers can be intimidating.