
lmao when you’re life’s falling apart at the seams and you’re just like “woah, let’s go watch more netflix”


Heyyoooo I got tagged by @johnlaurens4life so here we go:
          ten things about me
          1.I freaking love Supernatural 
          2. I’ve been in eight musicals at my local theater
          3. I’ve been to Warped Tour
          4. @johnlaurens4life is my best friend in real life and is the reason i’m on Wattpad
          5. I play the guitar
          6. I live in Florida 
          7. I have a chinchilla
          8. I have a dog
          9. My favorite Youtubers are Sam and Colby
          10. My favorite color is red
          A joke hahaha
          *stolen from supernatural because this makes me laugh every time*
          why is six afraid of seven?
          well i assume it’s because seven is a prime number and prime numbers can be intimidating. 