
this message may be offensive
Don't talk about shit when you know nothing about the situation


I am not allowed to eat until tomorrow. No, I do not have an ED, in fact, I just ate 5 packs of Chocodip, fried siomai, chicken, mac n cheese, doritos and chocolate. I drank a load of water and coke with a bit of Milo. So, what's going on? I'm going to the hospital to go into SURGERY!


We all have different specialties. May that be in writing, drawing, painting, or any of the arts. Even in academics or just life in general. We're all different one way or another and we're all good at something that others find difficult. Mine is writing sad depressing stuff. One of my best friend's specialty is writing cute love stuff.


To the people who read my story, Breathe, I'm so sorry that my updates aren't as uniformed as they were before (every two days). I'm just going through a really tough time right now and my anxiety is just spiking up and it's so hard to write when you're constantly judging yourself, constantly thinking that what your making is absolute rubbish and worrying about it. My current situation also makes it so much harder to come up with ideas. This isn't my normal writer's block, it's so much worse and I've had it for quite some time now.
          My story is not on hold, I'll still be updating, it's just that it might be slower and the update dates are more disorganised. Apologies! Hopefully I'll get to update soon.