
In honor of the Teen Wolf movie coming out soon, I've decided to go ahead and rewrite my TW fanfiction like 10 years later! It will have lots of changes and new things, and I am honestly so excited to be back writing about my OC Penny Brooke <3 


So, I know It's been way too long to even make a sequel to my Teen Wolf fanfic but I've been wanting to get into writing about TW again! I was thinking either write a whole new story or maaaayyyybeeeee some sort of reimagination of my old ff, because I wrote that one when I was like 14 and it kinda *cough cough* sucks *cough*. Like, reading back on it now I could've done a bit more with it and It's honestly so hard for me to think of writing about another main OC that isn't Penny lmao. But I don't know...


Hey guys! I've posted some Harry Potter one-shots that I originally posted on Tumblr! I thought it'd be nice to upload them here as well. And btw, if you have a request, you can definitely send it my way ^.^ I'm also considering doing the same thing with Teen Wolf and other fandoms...


I miss updating, but adult life. :(


@-voidbiles right?!?!?! Take me back plsssss ;-;


That part . like, I really miss the days just playing music in my room and writing for hours like I was getting paid or something :( 