

Any characters do you consider with these conducts?
          Antisocial personality disorder: Aggression, inability to plan for the future, impulsiveness, lack of remorse, and irresponsibility.
          They have a certain level of personal charm, they seduce people and then manipulate them. However, this charm is only superficial.
          They tend to be cold and calculating people. They plan each act to obtain a personal benefit and manipulate everything around them at will. Cold and calculating people: They are those who never lose control of situations, they have little level of empathy, they listen more to their thoughts than to their emotions.
          They do not care about other people even if they are loved ones. They lack empathy and are unable to feel if they hurt a person or not with their actions. However, they are observant people and know the limits. Another issue is whether or not they decide to exceed them.
          They tend to act outside of legal norms. It is possible that during their adolescence (stage in which we are more impulsive by nature), they committed some minor crime. They do not usually reoffend since they learn to live in society. However, as we have already mentioned, if they lose their temper, they can become potentially dangerous people.



The story Neoearth does not belong to me. It belonged to Animatedjames back in the 2010s and it seemed like he completely forgot about it and probably decided to revisit it just to make a comic called Off Saving the World and leave this story behind like if it never existed. So I'm gonna try and remaster it in any way possible and try to revive a little memory of his content. The show also had some skits from James' old YouTube channel, Megajames12.