
I stayed up for almost 48 hours reading your Castiel book. I just couldn't walk away. It was so beautifully written and exactly what goes through my brain when I watch the show so this was absolutely amazing. I hope you still plan on publishing the next book. I need answer, lol. I can tell you put your heart into it. I truly hope you continue because it is just amazing.


@StrayKitten2319 thank you so much for this! I'm planning on continuing this book soon! :)


Your Castiel story was just so amazing! You wrote that story SO beautifully I don't even know where to begin. The way you blended a whole new character into the story and kept it close to the original plot while giving this character her own identity was incredible. I stayed up late SO many times for that fic lol. I'm definitely going to reread. Super excited for a possible sequel!! Thank you for your work and all the time you put into making stories for us to enjoy. I know writing is SUPER hard, way stressful and it can be hard to keep up motivation sometimes. Just know that we appreciate you and love your work! Your stories are truly works of art.


I know a lot of fans (including me) who will be really excited about a sequel. Definitely looking forward to staying up late, hooked on the story lol. One of my favorite things is not being able to stop reading a good book. I've experienced it before with your work and I have a feeling it'll happen again. To be completely honest, your work is some of the best I've found on this platform. I'll definitely stick around for a sequel and any of the new fic ideas you mentioned because they all sound really interesting!
            It's super cool that you're also writing originals too! Seeing how good you are at writing, I'd be interested in reading them! Please be good to yourself if you're planning to try to do fics and your original ideas at once. That sounds really stressful, so please make sure you take some time for yourself too!
            Thank you for taking time to respond to this mess of a message I wrote at 2am lol. You're probably really busy so that means a lot. I'm glad I could remind you how much we appreciate you and your amazing work! Have a great day and good luck with your writing! I hope your original stories do well too! :)


@SpirkbeingSpirky Hi!! 
            Thank you for your lovely message. It’s been a while since I’ve been on here… and so coming back and seeing not only your message, but also seeing my books doing better than I could ever have imagined they would, warms my heart. It’s been a while since I’ve written for that second book, but after reading your message I did remember having written down a lot of plot details and plans for the next two books in that series. I looked at them again this morning and decided that I’ll try to do you all justice and continue working on this second book, because I do still think those plot ideas are worth it.
            The reason why I haven’t done so yet, is because I’ve been busy writing original books/works. Writing is my passion, and I really want to do this for a living. Hence why I’ve been putting more time and energy into those books, oppose to these fanfics. But I’ll try to find more time and I’ll try to finish the second book soon. My writing style has changed a little too, so you might pick up on that in the second book if you’re still here to read it by then. 
            I also have a few other fanfics planned and written out in bullet points (Hogwarts/Harry potter fanfic, TVD fanfics, Marvel, etc.) But I’ll try to finish this second Castiel book first, before I finish those newer ideas. 
            Thank you again for this lovely message. This is one of the bigger reasons why I started doing fanfics in the first place, and so it really warms my heart when I see that the work I have put out is being appreciated. One of the reasons that I stopped writing the fanfics, was because I didn’t think people liked them or maybe they weren’t original enough/worked out properly enough. But this gives me the motivation to try at it again and finish that second book for you guys, even if it takes a few weeks. 
            I hope you have a lovely rest of your day. :)