
Hey uh the latest emh update has left me dead on the inside sooo yeah everything hurts


Aside from my lame venting about Mystic Messenger, I do have an update for you guys. I have a couple things in the works as of right now, and I'll also let you guys know about my other books. 
          The One Shot Book-
          I have 4 one shots currently in the works. 
          • a girlXgirl post-apocalyptic fluff story with one of my OCs
          • an angsty 707 one shot
          •a mildly inappropriate Saeran x Dancer MC
          •an angsty Noragami one shot with suicide trigger warnings (yes I write a lot of angst don't judge me)
          Falling For Ultimate Charm-
          Yea so what happened with this one is that I had a really great and complicated plot figured out BUT I was an idiot and forgot to write it down... Sooo I'm working on bringing it back, but you'll have to give me some time. 
          Benny x Reader-
          Usually I just get randomly good ideas for this one in the middle of the night, so you can expect more probably after I'm done with finals.
          Uhm I have a chapter in the works, just gotta go through and add more then edit. Expect more of this in the next month hopefully
          Danny Vasquez x reader-
          Lololol this one is so cringe- not sure if I'll rewrite it or not. If I get ideas I might rewrite
          If I can figure out how to move the story forward I'll update. No one reads this one anyway haha


Trying to get Saeran's route-
          Me on the outside: lol 707 is so dumb I hope he perishes. The RFA is stupid and lame. 
          Me on the inside: I'm so sorry sweet beans, especially my precious 707 I didn't mean to say that to you- 
          I don't think I have the heart for this route 


So I've noticed that many writers were saying their work was getting stolen on some Vietnamese website. Apparently I'm a victim of this too, so no matter how small of a writer you are, you should Google your username and look to see if your work is getting stolen too. 
          Make sure all of your followers know that it is not you, especially since that website is full of viruses. 
          Peace out everyone, stay safe


Hello everyone, I have a short but important announcement. Looking back on a lot of things I've been saying to people, I've been acting like a robot, overly polite and nice. I realize that it probably makes people uncomfortable, so I'm gonna start expressing myself more. 
          This doesn't mean I'm gonna act like an ass, I'm still a nice person. I'm just... Eh... Weird? So really, message me to talk about stuff. Life, school, boys, girls, seriously anything. I also like giving advice, so, yeah. 
          Talk to me, followers. I have a decent follower count, but no friends on here. I'm not a robot, I swear! To prove that, I'll read the imaginary CAPTCHA and put a couple quotes of the day by me. 
          "Sorry I'm late, I was busy with my new boyfriend Snuffleupagus."
          "Dafuq this isn't fair, I wanted 420 children."
          "Quit Tumblr shaming me! I don't even have a Tumblr!"


@fanfics_and_stuff14 believe it. I'm Tumblr shameless


@fanfics_and_stuff14 i refuse to believe you dont even have a tumblr