
@Naomi4204 it's ok :) I understand!! 


I'm sorry if I unfollowed u on Instagram im not really sure but also tell Maze Runner Fanz sorry cause my mom it's a little overprotective im still young so... Yhea im really sorry but tell @shuckingglade and @mazerunnerfanz in a DM im sorry please tell me When ur done also tell me but we can still talk on Wattpad tell maze runner Fanz to follow me. Please tell them to not DM me cause my mom will c it and... Well u know she will take instagram away from me. PleSe and im sorry  u don't know how much I cried really send me a messge on Wattpad ok? Not instagram pleSe


Ok so I don't know where I'm going with my maze runner fanfic and I've been on writers block for a while. So what I am gonna do is delete my current fanfic. But don't worry, I've planed out a much better maze runner fanfic for you guys that will make more sense and hopefully you guys will like it! So please don't unfollow! My new fanfic will be coming out soon! Ily guys!