
We're 2girls, BFF's and we want to write a story! We are Bea and Maria.
Our personal account:
M: @littlemary2120
( Follow us 'cause we are damn cool!>)
-Made in Portugal
-One Direction (M)
-5sos (M)
-Arctic Monkeys (M)
-Muse (M)
-Linkin Park (Both)
-John Green (Both)
-The Hunger Games (Both)
-Volleyball (M)
-Art: drawing, painting, writing (Both)
-Chocolate (Both)
-The Script (B)
-Spongebob ( B( this is akward))
- Tumblr (Both)
-Three Days Grace (B)
- Nutella (Both)
-Demi Lovato (B)
You can ask us to read your stories and give our opinion!
  • Lost in a Chocolate cake
  • انضمJune 18, 2014

الرسالة الأخيرة
fangirlinganyway fangirlinganyway Dec 24, 2014 04:32PM
Hey sorry por n updatarmos mas ya vamos ver quando conseguimos.Btw já podem ( e devem ahahhaha) seguira #B no wattpad : @imawkwardlyfabOBG you cuties FELIZ NATAL
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم Pessoas Random
My teenager's critics بقلم fangirlinganyway
My teenager's critics
Nós somos duas tipicas adolescentes revoltadas que descobriram o wattpad e que têm muitas coisas para dizer...
3 قوائم قراءة