Hello! My name is Prapti and I am a Fangirl like all the others you'll find, only much crazier *winks*
My life has been ruined by awesome fandoms such as Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Doctor Who, The Mortal Instruments, TFIOS, Looking for Alaska, Paper Towns, Fangirl, Teen Wolf, Sherlock, Supernatural, Hetalia, and okay I'll stop. The list is never ending.
My love for reading, writing and discovering new things is undying and you'll notice that I HAVE DISCOVERED SO MUCH AND I HAVEN'T READ THEM YET #readingslumpproblems
I am writing a Harry Potter fanfiction novel called Harry Potter: What Happened During the 19 Years, in which Chapter 3 is still missing, but I'll update it later this week.
I love WattPad. I love the idea of it, I love how I can read fanfictions about the fandoms I love, along with reading other genres such as Horror, Mystery, Romance, Philosophical etc. WattPad has given me the confidence to share what I thought I couldn't share with anyone.
Anyways, follow me on Instagram, Im @cuzwearefangirls, on Tumblr, I am praptisinghthings and stay tuned for the wicked *evil grin*