this message may be offensive
being single on valentines day is like a knife to the chest like no i dont have a valentine. i swr if i see one more glitter flower bouquet with a heart shaped box full of chocolate im gonna BURN the flowers to ashes and eat all of the chocolates and jump of a bridge. "what r u gona do on valentines day?" its on a skl day ofc ima go to school u nut ;-; and people needa stop flexing they got a valentines day cuz ima give yall peeps a hiding istg and yes im jealus of u bitches cuz yall got a date while i got nobody... it aint that hard to see that. YES im doing this rant for no reason because this directed to every one of u lovey dovey BITCHES . and why am i being a hater rn ? cuz im sick and tired of seeing boys buy pink cute shit for their partner . cuz why isnt that me rn. PERSONALLY i think i should have glitter roses in my hand rn with valentine chocolate. i think i deserve that but apparently i dont. anyways stay safe love u 1047