
Welp, I promised a redo and here it is. I hope you guys enjoy it if you're even still here with me. I'm so sorry for the wait, but a sudden spark of inspiration at eight in the morning gave me just enough confidence to start again. Sorry for the wait, I'll try and update often, no promises, enjoy. :D


Welp, I promised a redo and here it is. I hope you guys enjoy it if you're even still here with me. I'm so sorry for the wait, but a sudden spark of inspiration at eight in the morning gave me just enough confidence to start again. Sorry for the wait, I'll try and update often, no promises, enjoy. :D


Sup. So apparently there's this thing where I tell you ten things about myself, I got tagged by cate_the_penguin so I guess I should do it 
          1. I own five cats
          2. I have four brothers
          3. I'm under 18 years of age
          4. I'm into all kinds of music from classic to rock
          5. I'm in more than just the Warriors fandom (GASP AND SHOCK I KNOW)
          6. I'll eat ANYTHING
          7. I'm lazy 
          8. Despite having some really popular books on here I can't write for crap
          9. I've played soccer, hockey, and been in marching band and synchronized swimming
          10. I only did this cause I miss you cate </3  




So I've been off for a really really long time and I'm sorry. I'm gonna get back into my stories, and do what I promised to do with them. Black Wish is getting deleted and replaced with a different black butler story, Moonstars Purpose is getting rewritten like I promised, and the rest of them will be fixed and such.


this message may be offensive
For the misunderstood warriors. please do Ashfur here's why... you might think that trying to kill cats from his own clan is the worst thing ever. but he wanted squirrelflight to feel the pain he felt. He LOVED her so when she chose Brambleclaw he was hurt inside. He didn't deserve to die. He had family! How do you think Ferncloud would have felt?




@fanofwarriors  thanks for da follow back


Attention ALL my followers, this is a status update that will affect all those no love my stories. There is a possibility that this account may be deleted, due to me deleting my email. (Don't ask) I am not making a decision now, but if anything like that does in fact happen, I will let all you know. 
          Just saying so you are aware of the possibilities. 
          ~~<3 love you all