
I loved the poem of "60 things girls", and im starthing to read"foster kid", i have to say its really awesome!! and the hypnotise thing Taylor does to people, that is SO COOL!!!


Hey! I was wondering if you could take the chance to read/ comment/ vote on my stories? it would mean a lot to me, and I promise to do the same for you! so jst write a little post on my wall, and I'll know to check your page out! thanks!


 hey babe thanks so much for the comments on the love-mostly hate relationship story. i re-edited and added more to the story but ahaha i forgot my password for my last account so if you want to read it go to saysee606. Please and thank you :) and sorry for the extensive wait
          ~later love hope to get some feedback and/or suggestions


Hellooooooo fanpire15! I'm Christina! I go by Christina, Christy, or Chrissy!
          I am in gymnasticks, cheerleading, track, actress, tennis, basketball, and marsh al arts!
          I am rally athletic and flexible!
          I love your picture!
          I was wondering if you could read my book,
          'My 'Date' with the President's son!'
          Welllllllll, the title gives it away of what it is about!
          Please read, comment, vote, and become a fan!!!


thanks for commenting (:
          just to clear things upp ;
          i don't want to give anything away,
          but no, she never knew she was adopted.
          the nurse asked her ;;; in the next chapter
          Medony will be more confused than a 15 year old
          boy waking up on his grandparents front porch, naked (;
          hahahah <3 , check back soon!
          & take caree!


Hey, loving your display photo :)
          Would it be possible if you could read a few of my posts? 'I was Replaced by the New Girl' is a later post. The name basically says ot all, although there is a boy Jon she gets to know ... And the rest is for me to write :)
          It would be greatif you could :)
          xo, dani 


hi :) 
          sorry to bother you, but i was just wandering if you could read my story, Medony? i'm sorry to ask, because i know how annoying some of these comments might be, but it would mean so much to me <3 i understand if not, hahaha! thanks anyways! take care ;D


Hello, I am Sam, and I was wondering if you could read my book Nightmares and Dreams, and tell me how it sounds...If you can't that is fine, but if you can please do, vote comment, and thats it, well you read it too before you comment and vote, 
          Well have a nice day,