Fun Fact - DBZ New Age: That One Battle
When Karosu originally stated and said,
"I know that part for sure. But shush your mouths, you have to remember my child in my arms right now is sleeping. Back to what I was saying though. Other than getting sleepy a lot, she's seemed a little sick the past three days. Though, her sleepiness has lasted for. . . what? Maybe a week up until this point in time. Now her sleepiness, I know for a fact, can either be from her being stressed or her Depression is coming back. Though stress, that doesn't happened a lot, oddly. Even when she had Tekina as a baby, she never got stressed. As for her Depression, that has come back several many times. I was, one of the causes one time, which made me feel terrible when I found out about it. I can usually tell when Depression's coming back to her, and it seems like it's currently coming back to her, which concerns me a pretty big amount.",
he was originally going to state something about her past Failed Suicide Attempt and past Suicidal Thoughts when bringing up her past Depression stages. As, he learned that going into their relationship.