To anyone it may concern, I am not particularly sure when I will next have writing to publish because tragedy has struck my life. Just around seven hours ago, my husband - the love of my life - passed away while we slept. No one is sure of the cause of death yet, but I am reeling nonetheless. His health had been a worry lately, which was also why I've been less active in my writing, but such an early death was not something I had expected. And I have no clue where I go from here. My love will be sorely missed. I am utterly heartbroken.

@fantasywriter19 im super late but I'm very sorry, luv. I hope you are doing well wherever you are and may God keep you and your family safe. Miss you.

@fantasywriter19 im very late but sending my dearest condolences during this struggle for you. that sounds particularly heartbreaking and tragic. take it easy ml xx

@vcleowulfv I appreciate that, thank you for the support *hugs* I'll be sure to share news