
hi lovely!!
          thank you so so much for taking your time into reading + voting:
          - try again 
          - fools
          - enchanted 
          i hope u enjoyed it as u have no idea how much ur effort meant to me :(  i rly appreciate ur thoughtfulness and for them to be added into your reading list is such an honour !! omg and thank u for ur follow too... :P
          ily, take care ~
          -luv, luna :)


No problem! I really enjoyed reading your books as I can feel the emotions from it especially the book ‘fools. I really look forward for your future books ^.^ Keep up the good work!


Hello darling✨I just wanted to come here and thank you for reading and voting <RUN AWAY>❤️It means a lot to me that people are enjoying the story✨I hope you enjoy the story to the end❤️be happy and healthy✨love you


Sorry for replying reaalllyyy late because I didn’t notice your message. I really do enjoy reading your stories! It really is exciting to read them. I hope you continue writing more and also take it easy.❤️ Don’t pressure yourself. Take care too✨