this message may be offensive
I thought I was done talking with my last message, but apparently not. I’m going to reminisce here a bit. I’m just in that kind of mood. I wish I were a better writer. I wish I’d published my many fics. I wish I were a little more courageous, adventurous, not so afraid of being judged. How were you expecting to improve, little Me, without the criticism and the effort? I used to be my worst judge. I thought everything I wrote was garbage, when looking back, it really wasn’t all that bad. I wish the show never got cancelled. I mean, seriously man, fuck Disney. I wish my family were less intrusive when it came to this specific place, just this one place that I wanted to keep to myself. I wish I’d kept contact with all my friends, that I were a better friend. I’m not, I’m know. The truth is, I miss writing. This days the thoughts stay in my imagination and die in my imagination. It’s empowering, in a way, coming back here, reading my old books and fics that I never got to finish and, in some cases, never even started on. Empowering, and cool. Remembering how excited and passionate those ideas made me; there’s nothing like it. I love this app, no matter how much I grumble and whine about how it’s shitty now. It was a significant part of the foundation of who I am now. It’s not me, definitely not. I’ve grown up a lot. You can see that because I don’t write everything in caps lock this days. That.. I don’t know why I did that. I guess that’s all I have to say for now. I’ll reiterate, if any of my old friends see this, PM me. I’d love to talk. Hana