
@FrolenZan Is Adam x Winter the better ship?
          	I see a lot of people on r/fnki push this one over Adam x Weiss, and I don't know how I feel about that.


@farmerabe too focused on the cause, but will consider a bed warmer and see where it goes, so yea, he might.


@FrolenZan True.
          	  What about the other Adam we got, who didn't give a crap when she ran off?


@FrolenZan Is Adam x Winter the better ship?
          I see a lot of people on r/fnki push this one over Adam x Weiss, and I don't know how I feel about that.


@farmerabe too focused on the cause, but will consider a bed warmer and see where it goes, so yea, he might.


@FrolenZan True.
            What about the other Adam we got, who didn't give a crap when she ran off?


@FrolenZan That one fanfic that gave me a literal headache makes me what to try and write that crossover between canon RWBY and GMC.
          Nothing like feeling utterly insulted by what has been done to try and do something better, you know?


@Bakugan5988 Don't forget that the Perfect Chaos fight from Generations does not play out the same way as it did in Sonic Adventure, and that Perfect Chaos still has an obvious weak point on his head.
            Heck, I think Team RWBY working together could probably defeat Perfect Chaos.


@farmerabe you make a point I have played Sonic generations and stuff like that at Sonic is very powerful and durable I mean he defeated perfect chaos in generations without the need of the chaos emeralds I mean that shows how strong he has gotten over the years I'm not saying Sonic will be invincible what I'm saying is it's going to be really difficult for those of remnant to deal with him but that's the thing about fanfiction you got to try to find the middle ground if you are trying to do a crossover


@Bakugan5988 Now, hold on.
            I think that RWBY and Sonic could cross over with each other, and make it work.
            Sonic is only REALLY powerful when he uses the Chaos Emeralds and goes Super.
            Sonic is super fast, yes, but he is coming to a world where people casually block bullets- they may not be able to chase him down, but there are other ways to defeat Sonic.
            The problem is that this fanfic is that the author has made Sonic out to be untouchable by Remnant (which he is not), so even though he may claim that RWBY's characters will prove their worth, he has not done a good job setting them up to do so.


@FrolenZan I gotta be honest: I wish people would stop acting like Sienna Khan was "better" or "more reasonable" than Adam Taurus.
          Sienna was the one who pushed the White Fang in a more extremist direction in the first place, and honestly, from what we see of her in Adam's character short, she was kind of turning him into her personal attack dog- she just got nervous after Adam became too strong for her to control.
          You know what I mean?


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@farmerabe I think another problem that the Fang ran into as a concept was that there was no human counterpart. If the fang was an organization that went from peaceful to violent, show us why they felt they had to make that transition. If the biggest extent of racism towards fanus we see on-screen is Cardin being an asshole. Then what’s even the point? Show us anti-Fanus rally’s, show us Bloody Sunday (1920 style revenge killing massacres by Human groups. If you want to compare the Fang to the IRA, then you need the UDA as well to tell the full story. 


@farmerabe yea that one too.


@FrolenZan Yeah, that's a good point.
            With how violent the White Fang got, though, wouldn't a more apparent comparison exist in the IRA?


@FrolenZan I have seen some people criticize Ozpin and his group for recruiting Pyrrha to be the next Fall Maiden, instead of finding someone else.
          They also raise a stink about Qrow not apologizing for the part he played in all of this to the remnants of Team JNPR afterwards, when Pyrrha died.
          What are your thoughts on all of this?


@farmerabe because we just don’t like trash. You an I can read a story and tell it’s trash by how the author introduction. Now I’m not saying my judgement is perfect, nor that my taste need to be catered to. I’ll freely admit I’ve like certain stories other people denounce as trash, and found stories others praised, I find idiotic.
            However, lazy writing is still lazy writing. If you can’t even give the incentive to build a proper world, then stay as far away from writing.
            In all honesty, I wouldn’t have cared about the Woke trash, if they weren’t so god forsaken lazy, smug, egotistical, delusional, and just down right unpleasant. 
            Their works are so hideously phoned in, older works look better. Their ego is so disgusting they cry don’t like don’t buy, so when we listen and no one likes their trash, they turn right around and blame us for their failures. They are so smug that they’d pride themselves over winning participation trophies, and always claim they “worked hard” as an excuse to be praised.
            But what do you expect when you let the patients run the asylum, put them in positions of power, and act surprise when their interpretation of reality denounces actual reality.


@FrolenZan Tell me about it, dude.
            In any case, at least guys like you and me can tell quality stories in the meantime, right?


@FrolenZan Have you ever read a fanfic that was just so bad, like insultingly bad, that it gave you an actual headache?


@farmerabe already forgot the name.


@FrolenZan Thank you.
            A word of advice: stay far, FAR away from "A Red Rose in the Blue Wind."


@FrolenZan If you could change the Creatures of Grimm hierarchy so that Salem was not their Queen, who would you make the "final boss" of RWBY?


@loud889 The Brother Gods are such a lame plot element that I would just write them out of the story entirely.


@farmerabe the brothers gods maybe but if that the case the heroes would not win without some sort of asspull


Is this one of the most delusional takes you've ever heard?

          I like Jaune, but saying Remnant is doomed without him is just disingenuous, you know?


@farmerabe gonna have to agree with Travis on this one. Reddit user was too influenced be Fan Fiction. Even if Jaunes Aura Amp was abused, RT was so incompetent in implementing it that Remnant is Screwed either way. Yea there’s no saving Remnant, I honestly think the user reads too much of Coeur’s work.


@farmerabe i like jaune too. But remnant is screwed with or without him. Heck, they have silver eyes , the relics and ozpin and they still couldn't make a dent. I think the reddit user read to much fanon. Very few capture jaune.


@farmerabe what made me snicker was team PRN…..sounds like team Porn to me .
            But yeah even I think Remnant could do good without him I mean he isn’t a Silver Eyed Warrior like Ruby.


Gonna say this now the way how you wrote Adam in Grimm May Cry….i love it so much better then *cough* canon timeline 


@farmerabe I’m curious to see what you have in mind. 
            Maybe The Beast of Beacon one of my favorite Adam stories.


@farmerabe do you have any ideas for the Multiverse of Adam story?


@FrolenZan You know the Celestial Spirits from Fairy Tail?
          How come we never got to see a Cassiopeia, Draco, or Orion key?


@FrolenZan True.
            I just don't know if I'd be able to make them stand out in any meaningful way.


Meanwhile, in an alternate version of Remnant...
          Sun: Hey, can a loc come up in your crib?
          Adam: Screw you, I'll see you at work.
          Sun: Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, Adam. Maybe if you got rid of that old yee yee ass haircut of yours, you'd have some chicks wrapped around your arms. Or better yet, maybe Velvet will call your horny head, if she ever stops messing with that brain surgeon or lawyer she's been seeing. Mongrel~
          Adam: ...What?


@PhantomAlorNass Ohh, thank you. I haven't played GTA in years. Completely forgot.


@FrolenZan GTA V Lamar interaction with Franklin.