@farmerabe because we just don’t like trash. You an I can read a story and tell it’s trash by how the author introduction. Now I’m not saying my judgement is perfect, nor that my taste need to be catered to. I’ll freely admit I’ve like certain stories other people denounce as trash, and found stories others praised, I find idiotic.
However, lazy writing is still lazy writing. If you can’t even give the incentive to build a proper world, then stay as far away from writing.
In all honesty, I wouldn’t have cared about the Woke trash, if they weren’t so god forsaken lazy, smug, egotistical, delusional, and just down right unpleasant.
Their works are so hideously phoned in, older works look better. Their ego is so disgusting they cry don’t like don’t buy, so when we listen and no one likes their trash, they turn right around and blame us for their failures. They are so smug that they’d pride themselves over winning participation trophies, and always claim they “worked hard” as an excuse to be praised.
But what do you expect when you let the patients run the asylum, put them in positions of power, and act surprise when their interpretation of reality denounces actual reality.